Arsip 2023:
15 August
For two days fromĀ October 8-9, 2014, IKADBUDI (Ikatan Dosen Budaya Daerah Indonesia) in collaboration with the Universitas Jember which was supported by the Faculty of Literature, Universitas Jember held the International Conference on Regional Culture with the theme “the challenger of culture revitalization in the 2015 ASEAN economic community era”. This activity is a series of annual activities from IKADBUDI which held the 4th national meeting and coincided with the implementation of the Tegal Boto Festival in the context of 50 years of the Universitas Jember. In the meeting, Drs. Suharto Mangkusudarmo, M.Hum., as a representative from the Java Study Program, Department of Archipelago Literature, FIB UGM.