Career Prospects
No. | Profile | Profile Description |
1. |
Academics | Scientists or scholars working in universities, research institutions, or professional organizations focused on scientific development. They: - Understand and study cultural science, language, and literature with a contextual and epistemological perspective on Javanese culture, enabling them to professionally disseminate knowledge in Javanese language, literature, and culture. - Commit to research that generates new findings and contributes ideas through studies offering theoretical implications and critical insights into various global discourses. - Engage in community service in the fields of Javanese language, literature, and culture to address societal challenges. |
2. | Javanese Cultural Practitioners |
Javanese literature scholars who professionally and creatively navigate the dynamics of Javanese culture, language, and literature across social, political, and economic arenas, producing culturally relevant works that enhance the community's cultural awareness and engagement. |
3. |
Journalists | Javanese literature graduates skilled in navigating global developments in journalism and media, with a focus on articulating Javanese culture, language, and literature both textually and contextually. They contribute to enhancing the consumption, production, and reproduction of Javanese social texts. |
4. |
Literary authors | Javanese literature graduates who applies principles of Javanese language, literature, and culture to creative writing, producing and publishing literary works enriched with Javanese elements while utilizing science and technology. |
5. |
Sociopreneurs | Entrepreneurs who have a spirit of never giving up, are persistent, independent, honest, disciplined, creative and innovative in commodifying Javanese culture in the construction of entrepreneurship, media and/or tourism while still adhering to educational and social aspects that are beneficial to society. |