Gugur Gunung Labdhasuksma Jawaloka: Anniversary of UGM Javanese Literature Study Program

(Gugur Gunung Poster 11 "Labdhasuksma Jawaloka")

Gugur Gunung is an annual event held to celebrate the birthday of the Javanese Literature Study Program. The Gugur Gunung event this time carries the theme "Labdhasuksma Jawaloka". The word labdhasuksma comes from two words, Labdha which means reached, found, and available. Whereas, suksma means subtle, small, and magical. So, when these two words are combined it means 'get subtlety (soul)'. As for the word jawaloka also comes from two words, Java and loka which means world. So that, jawaloka can be interpreted with the world of Java. The series eventually became a unified meaning of "Labdhasuksma Jawaloka" which can be interpreted as 'getting the tenderness of the human heart and soul in the Javanese world'.

Ahead of the main event which will be held in December, there will be a series of competitions with Javanese literary nuances, including the Javanese Storytelling, the Javanese Script Calligraphy Contest, and the Javanese Culture Infographic Poster Contest. For convenience, here is the link for contest conditions and registration:

  1. Java Storytelling Competition

Terms link:

Registration link:

  1. Javanese Script Calligraphy Competition

Terms link:

Registration link:

  1. Javanese Culture Infographic Poster Competition

Terms link:

Registration link:

Author: Vighna R. Hernawan