Examining the History of the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Based on the Decree of the Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada Number 1286/UN1.P/KPT/HUKOR/2022, the Javanese Literature Study Program officially changed its name to the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program. The change in the name of the Study Program took place on Monday, November 28, 2022. However, the name change of the Study Program is not the first time this has happened. In its history, the development of the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program cannot be separated from the history of Universitas Gadjah Mada itself.

Referring to the article Knowing the Department of Literature and Culture of UGM by Prof. Dr. Darusprapta (1980), in 1946 there was a foundation called "Jajasan Balai Perguruan Tinggi Gadjah Mada" in Yogyakarta which had two parts:

  1. Faculteit Law and Economics, with Prof. Dr. Djaka Soetana as chairman.
  2. Faculteit Sastra, Filsafat, dan Kebudayaan, with Prof. Dr. R. Prijana as chairman.

At that time, the courses organized did not yet reflect certain majors. However, courses in New Javanese Language and Literature and courses in Old Javanese Language and Literature, which were combined with courses in Sanskrit, were offered.

However, from the end of 1946 to the end of 1949, lectures were stopped because Yogyakarta was occupied by the Dutch military. In late 1949, the "Jajasan Balai Perguruan Tinggi Gadjah Mada" merged with the College of Engineering in Jetis, Yogyakarta; the College of Medicine in Klaten; and the College of Political Science in Sala, to become Universitas Negeri Gadjah Mada. The merger was inaugurated on December 19, 1949, which was later determined as its anniversary date.

After the merger, the Faculty of Literature, Pedagogics, and Philosophy was inaugurated on January 23, 1951, with the following departments:

  1. Eastern Literature
  2. Western Literature
  3. History
  4. Earth Sciences
  5. Pedagogics

The lecture center was located in Bulaksumur, which later became SD / SMP IKIP Yogyakarta. In 1951-1955, the Faculty of Literature, Pedagogics, and Philosophy was chaired by Prof. Drs. Abdullah Sigit.

On 19-09-1955, to complete the composition of Gadjah Mada University, the Faculty of Literature, Pedagogics, and Philosophy then became:

  1. Faculty of Literature and Culture
  2. Faculty of Pedagogics
  3. Faculty of Philosophy

The Faculty of Letters and Culture building is centered at Dalem Wijilan, Yudanegaran 37, Yogyakarta. The Faculty of Literature and Culture was chaired by Prof. Dr. RMNg. Poerbatjaraka in 1955-1960, who was also the Chairman of the Faculty of Letters, Airlangga University (Udayana). The Faculty of Literature and Culture had the following departments:

  1. Eastern Literature
  2. Western Literature
  3. History
  4. Earth Science

In the Department of Eastern Literature, there are sub-majors of Indonesian Literature and sub-majors of Javanese Literature at the doctoral level which then in 1958/1959 the sub-major of Indonesian Literature became the Department of Indonesian Literature chaired by Prof. Drs. Siti Baroroh Baried, and the sub-major of Javanese Literature became the Department of Javanese Literature chaired by Dra. Sukesi Adiwimarta. At the doctoral level of the Javanese Literature Department, New Javanese expertise and Old Javanese expertise were opened. At that time, one student was enrolled in the Javanese Literature Department.

Prof. Dra. Siti Baroroh Baried lan became dean in 1962-1966 and the Department of Javanese Literature was chaired by Drs. M. Ramlan who was the first graduate of the Department of Eastern Literature, Faculty of Literature and Culture, Gadjah Mada University (1958).

In 1964, the Javanese Literature Sub-Department of the Eastern Literature Department graduated a bachelor and in the same year, the Javanese Literature Department changed its name to the Nusantara Literature Department in the hope that the range of knowledge that could be achieved would be wider. At the doctoral level, there are three fields of expertise in the Nusantara Literature Department, namely:

  1. Phlology
  2. Literature
  3. Lingustics

In 1965, the faculty building was moved from Dalum Wijilan Yudanegaran to Karangmalang (now IKIP Negeri Yogyakarta complex). In 1966, the Nusantara Literature Department graduated a bachelor with expertise in Javanese Kuna.

In 1967-1969, the Nusantara Literature Department was chaired by Prof. Dr. Darusuprapto, who was a graduate of the Eastern Literature Department (1964). In 1970-1971, the Nusantara Literature Department was chaired by Drs. Sumarti Suprayitna, a graduate of the Eastern Literature Department (1960) who focused her expertise on Old Javanese language and literature.

On July 1, 1970, the Faculty of Literature and Culture occupied a new building in Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur. In 1972-1975, the Department of Archipelago Literature was chaired by Drs. RS. Subalidinata, the first graduate of the Department (1969), who graduated a scholar with expertise in philology.

In the 1976-1977 management period with Dean Drs. Djoko Soekiman, and Head of Department Darusuprapta, the Nusantara Literature Department graduated four scholars. In the next management period, 1976-1979, with Dean Drs. Djoko Soekiman and 1980-1981 with Dean Prof. Dr. Sulastin Sutrisno, the Nusantara Literature Department was chaired by Dra. Sumarti Suprayitna.

The Nusantara Literature Department has been using the credit system since 1974. In 1980, the credit system for S1 and S2 programs began to be implemented with the following division:

  1. Bachelor Studies with 120 credits
  2. Bachelor (S1) with 160 credits
  3. Postgraduate (S2) with 194 credits

In the Bachelor study level (S1), there is a division of expertise in Ancient Java, Middle Java and New Java in the fields of Philology, Literature, and Linguistics.

Based on article 2 of the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 0553/0/1983 concerning Types and Number of Departments in Faculties within the University of Gadjah Mada, the Nusantara Literature Department was then officially renamed the Regional Literature Department.

In 2005, the Department of Regional Literature again changed its name to Nusantara Literature. This was followed by the change of KMSD (Keluarga Mahasiswa Sastra Daerah) to KAMASUTRA (Keluarga Mahasiswa Sastra Nusantara) on March 3, 2005 (admin, 2014). Evidence of these changes can also be found in the UGM Humanities Journal. On the back cover of the Journal of Humanities Volume 17, Number 1, February 2005, the department's name is still listed as Regional Literature. However, on the back cover of the Journal of Humanities Volume 17, Number 2, June 2005, the name of the department has changed to Nusantara Literature.

Based on Annex II in the Decree of the Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada Number 437/P/SK/HT/2010 on the Arrangement and Reassignment of Permits for the Implementation of Study Programs at Universitas Gadjah Mada issued on July 5, 2010, the name "Sastra Nusantara" is still officially the name of the Department until November 20, 2012.

In an interview with Imam Prakoso, S.S., M.A., a lecturer in the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program with a focus on Linguistics, in 2010 a change in the title "department" to "study program" was made. In addition, he said that the study program was still named "Nusantara Literature Study Program", but there was an addition in the form of "Javanese Literature Study".

Based on appendix I in the Decree of the Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada Number 1184/P/SK/HT/2012 concerning the Extension of Permits for the Implementation of Diploma IV, Undergraduate, and Professional Study Programs at Universitas Gadjah Mada issued on October 1, 2012, the name of the department "Nusantara Literature" was again extended until the period of September 30, 2016.

Then, in appendix II in the Decree of the Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada Number 1718/UN1.P/SK/HUKOR/2017 concerning the Naming of Study Programs at Universitas Gadjah Mada, issued on November 16, 2017, the Nusantara Literature Study Program officially changed to the Javanese Literature Study Program.

Then, the change in the name of the Study Program was carried out again according to the information in the first paragraph, namely on November 28, 2022, according to attachment I in the Decree of the Chancellor of Universitas Gadjah Mada Number 1286/UN1.P/KPT/HUKOR/2022, the Javanese Literature Study Program officially changed its name to the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program.

Based on an interview with the Head of the Department of Language, Literature and Culture, Dr. Daru Winarti, M.Hum., the change in the name of the Javanese Literature Study Program to the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program is because the discussion of "Java" cannot only be related to literature, but cultural elements are also contained in it.

In line with this opinion, Rudy Wiratama S.I.P., M.A., a lecturer in the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program who focuses on the field of literary studies, explained that literary aspects cannot be separated from cultural aspects. In fact, according to him, there is a possibility for an additional field of study, namely the field of cultural studies.

For further explanation regarding the reasons, description, future outlook, and expectations of the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program, please visit the following link.


The following is a timeline of the official name of this Study Program from time to time:

  1. Faculty of Literature, Pedagogics and Philosophy (March 03, 1946 – December 18, 1949)
  2. Department of Eastern Literature, Faculty of Literature, Pedagogics and Philosophy (2 January 23, 1951)
  3. Department of Eastern Literature, Javanese Literature Sub-Major at doctoral level, Faculty of Literature and Cultural Science (September 19, 1955)
  4. Department of Javanese Literature, Faculty of Literature, Pedagogics, dan Phylosophy (1958/1959)
  5. Department of Nusantara Literature, Faculty of Literature and Cultural Science (1964)
  6. Department of Local Literature, Faculty of Literature (1983)
  7. Department of Nusantara Literature, Faculty of Cultural Science (2005)
  8. Javanese Literature Program, Faculty of Cultural Science (November 16, 2017)
  9. Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Program, Faculty of Cultural Science (November 22, 2022)


Admin. (2014,  March 3). Keluarga Mahasiswa Sastra Nusantara. FIB. https://fib.ugm.ac.id/keluarga-mahasiswa-sastra-nusantara.

Admin. (2023, July 31). Sejarah. FIB. https://fib.ugm.ac.id/profil/sejarah#:~:text=Fakultas%20Ilmu%20Budaya%20berdiri%20sejak,1949%20sampai%2013%20Agustus%201950).

Musliichah. (2016). Sejarah Fakultas Sastra dan Kebudayaan UGM 1946-1982. Khazanah, 9(2). 46-56.

Suprapta, Daru. (August, 1980). Mengenal Jurusan Sastra Nusantara, Sastra dan Kebudayaan UGM. Badrawada, I(12), 50-59.