Five Championships Earned by UGM Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Students in the XXIXth IMBASADI Nusantara Cultural Gathering Activity

The XXIXth National Cultural Gathering was successfully organized by I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa State Hindu University (UHN) which took place on Sunday-Friday, November 05-10, 2023. The theme of the 2023 National Cultural Gathering was "Sabda Budaya: Mukhti Luwir Nihan Segara", which means "Cultural Echoes: Thundering like the Ocean". The theme intends to highlight the richness of Indonesian culture that is still thundering in the midst of the current era of globalization. The activity lasted for five days with various agendas including the National Deliberation, Wimbakara (Competition), National Seminar, and ended with the Awarding Night as well as the closing of the XXIXth National Cultural Gathering activities.

In this XXIXth National Cultural Gathering, the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), sent eight delegates to participate in the entire series of events. The UGM delegation consists of Nurma Aisyah (class of 2021) as the head of the delegation, Vighna Rivattyannur Hernawan (class of 2020), Bima Muslih Wicaksono (class of 2022), Haryo Untoro (class of 2022), Kintan Dewinta Putri (class of 2022), Muhammad Siswoyo (class of 2022), Alma Syahwalani (class of 2023), and Meifira Arini Pitaloka (class of 2023).

Here were six activities that were contested, including Cultural Parade, National Scientific Writing Competition (LKTIN), Poetry Musicalization competition, Comic Strip competition, Cultural Tiktok competition, and Cultural Reportage competition. Of the six competitions, the delegation of Universitas Gadjah Mada won five competitions, including:

  • 1st place in the Cultural Reportage competition (Alma Syahwalani)

The Cultural Reportage competition raised the theme of Taman Sari Yogyakarta, a historic water garden site, as a reflection of the splendor and majesty of Indonesian culture that is passed down to this day.

  • 2nd place in the National Scientific Writing Competition (Haryo Untoro and Muhammad Siswoyo)

The National Scientific Writing Competition entitled Reflection of the Entity of the Agrarian Tradition in the Track Record of Cowongan Song Verses, raised the Cowongan ritual song verses as material objects that contain elements of agrarian in the form of various plants and animals. The elements are then associated with their classification in Javanese culture and reveal the inheritance related to the name of theĀ  agrarian elements and the agrarian mythology behind them.

  • 2nd place in Comic Strip competition (Meifira Arini Pitaloka)

The Comic Strip competition with the theme "environmental conservation based on local wisdom" tells the story of young people who want to reforest by paying attention to the philosophy of these plants.

  • 3rd place in the Poetry Musicalization competition (Nurma Aisyah and Bima Muslih Wicaksono)

The Poetry Musicalization Competition raised the theme "Sabda Budaya: Mukhti Luwir Nihan Segara" brought poetry created by Muhammad Siswoyo about the beauty and majesty of the nation's culture. The poem was performed with a recitation combined with singing and musical accompaniment, thus mesmerizing the other participants.

  • 3rd place in Tiktok Nusantara competition (Kintan Dewinta Putri)

Cultural Tiktok competition featuring traditional games, including Dakon or Congklak, Clogs, and games accompanied by dolanan cublek-cublek suweng songs.

The achievement of UGM Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program in winning various competitions is a concrete manifestation of UGM Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Students in promoting, appreciating, and preserving the diverse cultures and traditions in Indonesia.

The existence of the XXIXth National Cultural Gathering is expected to motivate students to be interested in promoting the heritage of diverse traditions and cultures in Indonesia. Furthermore, the National Cultural Gathering activities can strengthen relationships and expand relationships between students of regional literature study programs throughout Indonesia.

We would like to thank all those who have participated in the success of this event. Hopefully IMBASADI can continue to accommodate students majoring in regional literature throughout Indonesia in developing and preserving the nation's culture.

Indonesia is diverse, IMBASADI unites.