Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program Student Wins UPI Humanika National Essay Competition

On Friday, December 1, 2023, the Humanika Scientific Reasoning Unit (UPI) released the announcement of the winners of the 2023 Humanika essay competition. The good news is that a student of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program, Haryo Untoro (class of 2022) won first place in the competition.

The UPI Humanika essay competition raised the theme "Seeing Environmental Problems Through a Humanities Perspective". The theme was then elaborated into three sub-themes, including;

  1. Environmental preservation based on folklore, literature, and traditions in Indonesia
  2. Utilization of the environment in the traditions of the archipelago
  3. Causality between the environment and the way of life of the people 3.

The essay titled "Keeping insects from extinction by dealing with pests in Javanese style" by choosing subtheme one. The essay describes the fact that insects, which are considered disgusting animals as well as agricultural pests, have an important influence on the ecosystem. Destruction of insects with chemical pesticides can pollute the environment and eliminate the existence of insects in the environment. The solution to this is to use the Javanese mindset that is in harmony with nature, full of caution, and upholds harmony, as well as several ways to deal with pests without damaging the ecosystem. The perspectives and methods proposed are based on Javanese folklore, literature, and traditions.

The national essay competition organized by UPI Humanika can be a forum for developing the ability to think critically, writing skills, and care about environmental conditions. In addition, the UPI Humanika national essay competition is also in line with two points in the sustainable development goals, namely point four in the form of providing and developing the quality of education and point fifteen in the form of maintaining the land ecosystem.