Gugur Gunung 13 – Holopis Kuntul Baris

It's been a year since the 12th Gugur Gunung successfully hit the stage with the lively and spectacular ketoprak wayang gedhog titled Panji Kudanarawangsa. Now, proudly, the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program presents the 13th Gugur Gunung to all, especially the mahadaya!

Gugur Gunung is an annual event held to commemorate the anniversary of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program. In the event, the students of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program collaborate to present various cultures of the Nusantara, especially Javanese culture.

This time, the theme is "Holopis Kuntul Baris", a Javanese philosophy that is close to Gugur Gunung activities. "Holopis Kuntul Baris" depicts a line of egrets flying in a pointed pattern. This philosophy is a symbol of joint efforts to solve problems, or what we know as gotong royong. Gotong royong is a manifestation of the Javanese sociocultural society that upholds patembayatan, which means living side by side in harmony,

There are two major events that will enliven the 13th Gugur Gunung:

  1. Jawaisme Fest

Jawaisme Fest is a Javanese cultural exhibition featuring all things traditional such as traditional games, traditional clothing, performing arts, customs, tata cara, weton, and so on. There are also traditional food tenants that are appetizing. Jawaisme Fest was held on May 13-14, 2024, 09.00 AM-06.00 PM WIB, at Margono Hall, 1st floor, Faculty of Cultural Science, UGM.

2.Popular Arts Performance

The Popular Arts Performance will feature a Jathilan Dance Drama entitled "Turangga Sastra Nuswantara" presented by a collaboration of students of the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program. This art performance will take place in Greenland, Faculty of Cultural Science, UGM, on May 14, 2024, starting at 03.00 PM until completion. Oh, I almost forgot, the Popular Arts Performance will be enlivened by a performance from Lala Atila.

So, don't miss this exciting moment!