Gugur Gunung 13 Day Two: Jathilan Dance Drama Enlivens Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Yogyakarta (05/16/2024) - The second day of Gugur Gunung 13, precisely on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, became an unforgettable moment for all residents of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FIB UGM). Not without reason, because students of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program collaborated in a team called 'Turangga Sastra Nuswantara' to perform Jathilan Dance Drama on the peak day of Gugur Gunung 13.

The Jathilan Dance Drama performance was held at 04.00 PM –05.30 PM WIB on the stage located in Greenland. Each side of the stage was packed with members of the academic community who were interested in the Jathilan Dance Drama performance. The performance of popular art became livelier with the presence of Lala Atila as the sinden of the Jathilan Dance Drama.

Jathilan Dance Drama is a performance of Jathilan dance, an art that is closely related to the use of jaran kepang, or lumping horse, and contains drama about Javanese mythology. The legend of Javanese mythology is the legend of Ajisaka and his battle with Dewata Cengkar, a giant king in the kingdom of Medang Kamulan. The production of the Jathilan Dance Drama was led by R. Raga Budi Panuntun, a student of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program class of 2021, and directed by Yulian Kethus from the Kidung Cakrawala Art Studio.

Enthusiasm of mahadaya

Before the performance began, at 03.00 PM WIB, the performers and staff held a jaran bath and prayer together at Wisdom Park. Afterward, a cultural procession was carried out along the route from Wisdom Park to FIB through the north door.

Kirab Budaya to the Faculty of Cultural Sciences

The folk-art performance was opened by R. Sukoco, an alumnus of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program, as the narrator. There were various speeches delivered by Idharul Huda, as the chairman of Gugur Gunung 13, Dr. Daru Winarti, Head of Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program, and Prof. Dr. Setiadi, S.Sos., M.Si, dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. The event continued with the traditional ceremony of kupat luwar or luwaran kupat, as a form of releasing all things that are not good so that the event can run smoothly.

Kupat Luwar or Luwaran Kupat Procession

The next event was the presentation of the Jathilan Dance Drama which managed to amaze the entire audience. The audience seemed to really enjoy it, even dancing to the music of the Jathilan dance. The highlight of this presentation was the scene of the battle between Aji Saka and Dewata Cengkar. The thrilling battle and Aji Saka's stunning victory drew thunderous applause from all directions.

The end of the Jathilan Dance Drama performance also marked the end of the 13th Gugur Gunung. Various beautiful and fun moments have occurred during Gugur Gunung 13. We would like to thank the enthusiasm and support from the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program, sponsors, mahadaya, and the entire academic community of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. May the culture of the archipelago be preserved and continue to live from time to time. See you at Gugur Gunung 14.