Learning about Wayang Visuals and Narratives through Field Study at Sonobudoyo Museum

Yogyakarta (05/20/2024) - Wayang kulit / Puppetry, a traditional art recognized by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Human Cultural Heritage, has high historical, philosophical, and artistic value. The art of puppet is considered one of the pinnacles of Javanese culture, so it is important for the younger generation to recognize, understand, and preserve this noble heritage.

In order to deepen the understanding of shadow puppets, the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program organized a field study for the Puppet Literature course on May 16, 2024. This activity was held at the Sonobudoyo Museum in Yogyakarta, giving students the opportunity to see puppets and manuscripts related to puppets.

A group photo of the field course participants observing the puppet collection.

This field study was attended by students participating in the Puppet Literature course and guided by the lecturers, namely R. Bima Slamet Raharja, S.S., M.A., and Dr. Rudy Wiratama, S.I.P., M.A. During the activity, students had direct access to observe various puppet collections and manuscripts related to wayang kulit. The enthusiasm of the students was visible throughout this activity, showing their interest in knowing more about the cultural wealth of the nation.

The output of this field study is not only a presentation of what has been learned but also an introduction and growth of love and pride for the nation's culture. In addition, this activity is expected to add experience and become a means of developing the scientific competence of the participants. Thus, the field course is in line with the fourth point of the sustainable development goals, namely improving the quality of education within the scope of the preservation and development of the nation's culture.


Author: Nanda Nursa Alya

Editor: Haryo Untoro