General Champion Achieved by Universitas Gadjah Mada in Sarasehan Nusantara XI Imbasadi

Yogyakarta (05/22/2024) -Universitas Gadjah Mada won the overall champion in the Sarasehan Nusantara XI Imbasadi event. Sarasehan Nusantara XI was held at the State Hindu College Mpu Kuturan Singaraja (STAH N Mpu Kuturan Singaraja) on May 17-19, 2024 offline.  The three-day event raised the theme "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika: Harmony in Diversity" and included various events, such as various competitions, lontar seminars, and the culmination of the event in the form of the awarding night and the election of Putra and Putri Imbasadi 2024.

The competitions held during Sarasehan Nusantara XI were quite diverse. There were six (6) competitions, including the National Scientific Writing Competition (LKTIN), the election of Putra and Putri Imbasadi 2024, national typography competition, poetry musicalization competition, cultural poster competition, and cultural documentary video.

The Universitas Gadjah Mada contingent represented by the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) sent eight (8) students to participate in the entire series of events. The eight students included Bima Muslih Wicaksono (class of 2022) as the head of the delegation, Haryo Untoro (class of 2022), Muhammad Siswoyo (class of 2022), Kintan Dewinta Putri (class of 2022), Ganes Larasati (class of 2023), Meifiri Arini Pitaloka (class of 2023), Muhamad Rafi Nur Fauzy (batch 2023), and Rafif Wicaksono (class of 2023).


After participating in a series of events, the delegation of Universitas Gadjah Mada brought good news by getting several nominations for champions in several competitions, namely:


  1. 1st place in the Cultural Poster Competition - Meifira Arini Pitaloka

The Cultural Poster Competition illustrates the diverse backgrounds of Indonesian society, namely ethnicity, religion, and race, which live in harmony.

  1. 1st Runner-up Putri Imbasadi 2024 - Ganes Larasati

The selection of Putra and Putri Imbasadi went through a rigorous selection, starting from filing, talent interest test, public speaking, to the grand final stage. After going through a long series of processes, Ganes Larasati paired with Reidha Prastya from Universitas Sebelas Maret Regional Literature Study Program was given the mandate as the 2nd Runner-up 1.

  1. 2nd place in the National Scientific Writing Competition - Haryo Untoro and Muhammad Siswoyo

The National Scientific Writing Contest that was written contained the title Representation of Jagat Harmony in Syair Drojogan Wayang Kulit Jawa Timuran Subgagrag Surabaya. This research raised the material object in the form of Drojogan poem, a suluk or sulukan that is developed by a puppeteer before the Surabaya subgagrade Timuran Javanese shadow puppet begins. The disclosure of the language style in the Drojogan poem which contains a description of the means, media, and actors of the shadow puppet performance and its preservation is the focus of this Scientific Paper.

  1. 3rd place in National Typography Competition - Muhamad Rafi Nur Fauzy

National Typography Competition in the form of a painting of Joglo, a Javanese traditional house, which is decorated with beautiful and precise Javanese script writing. 

  1. General Champion of Sarasehan Nusantara XI - Universitas Gadjah Mada

In addition to the four competitions above, Universitas Gadjah Mada was crowned the overall champion in the Sarasehan Nusantara XI Imbasadi event.

Coronation of 1st Runner-up Putra and Putri Imbasadi 2024

The awarding of the General Champion trophy to the delegation of Universitas Gadjah Mada

These achievements are inseparable from the spirit of the students of Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM, in promoting, appreciating, preserving, and enlivening the various cultures that live in Indonesia in a bond of harmony. With the implementation of Sarasehan Nusantara XI and the title obtained, it is hoped that it can spark the enthusiasm of students to continue to maintain and promote existing cultural heritage and can strengthen relations between students of regional literature study programs throughout Indonesia.

Our gratitude goes to all parties who participated in supporting and organizing this event. We also ask for support and blessings so that the Temu Budaya Nusantara XXX activities held at Universitas Gadjah Mada can run successfully.

Indonesia is diverse, Imbasadi unites