Understanding the Manuscripts of Widyabudaya Collection of Keraton Ngayogyakarta and Widyapustaka Collection of Pura Pakualaman and its Restoration Stages

On Monday, May 27, 2024, the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program held a field lecture in the framework of the Codicology course. This activity was held at Widyabudaya Library of Keraton Ngayogyakarta and Widyapustaka Library of Pura Pakualaman. The participants of this activity were students participating in the 2024 Kodikology course, guided by Dr. Sri Ratna Saktimulya, M.Hum., as the lecturer of the course.

In this field study, students had the opportunity to see and learn firsthand about manuscripts, archives, and preservation efforts. The first location visited was Widyabudaya of Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. Here, students were first entertained with warm tea drinks typical of the Keraton Yogyakarta. After that, they were divided into four groups and guided by the abdi dalem to observe in depth the collection of manuscripts, archives, and the restoration process.

Students observed the explanation and enjoyed the banquet provided by the Keraton Ngayogyakarta.

The second location visited was the Widyapustaka Library of Pura Pakualaman. In this place, the participants were treated to jamu beras kencur and some traditional dishes. After enjoying the meal, the participants were given the opportunity to see the manuscript and archive collections. They also listened to explanations from librarians about the condition, aspects, and preservation of the manuscripts.

Students listen to explanations from the lecturers

The implementation of this field study went well and smoothly. The students were very enthusiastic, as seen from their high curiosity about various manuscript and archive collections, as well as the stages of revitalization. The purpose of this activity is as a preservation event in the form of introducing Indonesian culture, especially Javanese culture, to the younger generation. Thus, it is hoped that the love for the nation's culture in the younger generation will continue to grow and can be realized in real efforts to keep nguri-uri (preserve) and ngurip-urip (revive) the nation's identity.

The existence of various manuscripts and archives is a source of historical traces as well as a mirror of the cultural life of their time. Therefore, preserving historical evidence and extracting information from it needs to be done as a step to understanding the form of culture, knowledge, history, and glory of the archipelago. In addition, synergy from various parties is needed to realize this. This is in line with the fourth and seventeenth points of the Sustainable Development Goals, namely presenting and improving the quality of education and cooperation between partners to achieve goals.


Author           : Nanda Nursa Alya & Haryo Untoro

Editor             : Haryo Untoro