College StudentNewsSDGSStudentStudent's Work Friday, 19 January 2024
Students of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) have successfully conducted a teaching program for students at Senior High School 1 Seyegan. This teaching program is a collaboration with the Principal Senior High School 1 Seyegan as a joint effort to preserve Javanese culture, especially in the use of Javanese script. The implementation period of this program lasts from December 12 to 21, 2023, ending with the holding of competitions on December 22, 2023,
A total of nine (9) students from the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program participated in this program. They are Sindi Virninda, Nanda Nursa Alya, Rafael Raga B.P., Faradila Putri M., Ahmad Nur Astha, Enjang Prasetyo W., Fazi Arifian Pradara, Novita Nurhasanah, and Inayah Milati. The teaching was done by applying creative methods, with the hope that the students could understand Javanese script thoroughly.
Nanda Nursa Alya, one of the teaching participants, expressed her excitement in the interview: "It's really fun because we can interact with the students." Nanda explained that this program not only benefits the students but also develops the students' abilities. "This program trains us as students to be teachers and friends for the students. In addition, this program also requires student creativity in creating good and fun learning methods and media for students."
With this teaching program, Nanda hopes that the activity can be carried out every year. "Hopefully this program will always exist every year," she said. This teaching program is in line with the sustainable development goals, especially the fourth point, which aims to improve the quality of education.
College StudentMacapatStudent's Activity Friday, 19 January 2024
Dening: Fauzan Adi Fadlurahman
Saambrah netra kang wungu
Amung netramu sawiji
Kaya hayuning akasa
Tamba susahing pênggalih
Imbuh wuwuh rasa trêsna
Abadya langgêng ing ati
College StudentGeguritanStudent's Work Friday, 19 January 2024
Dening R. Raga Budi Panuntun
Iki gêgambaran awur-awuran
Kang ora adoh saka kasunyatan
Sing cilik, pacêklik
Sing gêdhe, nglimpe
Kahanan sangsaya katon kaya paprangan
Pêranging kanêpson mungsuh kawêlasan
Kang padha kuwasa birahi ambungahi
Tumindak cidra tanpa rasa ngrumangsani
Padha rumangsa idune kuwi idu gêni
Tanpa krasa mênawa sih trêsnane wis mati
Padha rumangsa uripe wis kêbak kabungahan
Tanpa krasa rakyate padha kacingkrangan
Kaya ngene iki lêlakoning nêgaraku
Apa kowe tau krungu?
Kudune tau krungu
Amarga nêgaraku, ya nêgaramu
College StudentGeguritanStudent's Activity Friday, 19 January 2024
Dening: Nanda Nursa Alya
Nêlangsa kang dak rasa
Angancani wêngi tanpa candra
Dening diyan aning-aning
Bayu sêmbribit anjujug raga
Dandani karsaning ati
Rêrênging banyu tirta
Nandhang rasa kasunyatan
Pamit mungguh ing jaman
Damilih tyasing pakulinan
Aja amung tumêkaning ati
Nalika nandhang trêsna
Krêntêging rasa sih wilasa
Tansah sumandhing jroning pangimpen
College StudentGeguritanStudent's Activity Friday, 19 January 2024
Dening: Fazi Arifian Pradana
Apa kaya mangkene kang sinêbut ratu agung
Saisine praja amung kêbak rasa kêduwung
Panguwasa kang ancik-ancik mangewu kunarpa
Dhampar gadhing kang sinungging sarana ludira
Apa kaya mangkene kang sinêbut katrêsnan jati
Pangarêp-arêp mungguh bisa urip mukti dadi siji
Ajur ilang kêsaput lêlakon nggêgirisi ing uni
Kang ora bakal bisa ilang lan ora bisa dilali
Apa kaya mangkene kang sinêbut korbaning panguwasa
Bubat nyêkseni anggone mbabati nyawaning manungsa
Kabeh katut kêna siku dhêndha nadyan kang tanpa dosa
Ilang musna jejering ratu kang kudu duweni rasa pangrasa
Apa kaya mangkene kang sinêbut korbaning katrêsnan
Trêsna suci sêjati kang dudu napsuning panguwasan
Ludirane bangsamu lan uga ludiramu kutah nêlêsi bumi iki
Dadi pêpeling tumrap mapaning kamanungsan rong negari
Apa kaya mangkene lêlakon kang kudu daklakoni
Ingsun ratu nanging jêjibahan ora bisa daktêtêpi
Apa kaya mangkene lêlakonmu dhuh kusumayu
Wangine asmamu pupus mung mêrga deksuraku
College StudentNewsSDGSStudent's Activity Wednesday, 20 December 2023
(Quoted form:
In order to commemorate the anniversary, Universitas Gadjah Mada organizes various events and activities. One part of the series of events is a shadow puppet performance entitled "Banjaran Dwijawara." The performance is a collaboration between Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Banyumasan, and Timuran Java in one wayang performance. This event was held on Saturday, (16/12/2023) at Grha Sabha Pramana.
The play "Banjaran Dwijawara" is a biographical compilation of the career journeys of the characters Rama Bargawa, Resi Dorna, and Arjuna. These three characters are faced with various complex problems. Rama Bargawa deals with oligarchs who act arbitrarily; Resi Dorna faces the issue of inclusivity; and Arjuna is in the era of gender equality.
(Student Arts Family of Universitas Gadjah Mada. Quoted in full from:
In its implementation, students from the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program participated in enlivening and succeeding the wayang performance. This participation was manifested in their role as a crew group, performers in the form of musicians and sinden, who are members of the Gadjah University Student Arts Family, to Muhammad Siswoyo, a 2022 student who became the puppeteer of the wayang kulit performance in the Javanese Timuran style.
(Handover of Arjuna puppet to Muhammad Siswoyo)
The play "Banjaran Dwijawara" is not just for entertainment, but also as a learning tool in the form of moral messages about how to behave and make decisions when facing a problem. In addition, this shadow puppet performance is also a place to introduce and preserve the art of shadow puppetry and its various gagraks, which are a form of cultural wealth in Indonesia. The introduction and preservation of Indonesian culture through this puppet show is in line with point four in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely improving the quality of education.
NewsSDGSStudentStudent's Activity Wednesday, 20 December 2023
The Student Association of the Javanese Literature Student Family (Kamastawa) has held a big conference on Tuesday (18/12/2023). The meeting was held online and took place in room 709, Soegondo Building, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
The event was hosted by Yasmin Nabila Sahda (class of 2022) as the emcee, Idharul Huda (class of 2021) as the first presidium, Endar Sasmita Aji (class of 2022) as the second presidium, Amining Tyas S. (class of 2021) as the first notetaker, and Laksito Amero F. (class of 2021) as the second notetaker.
The 2023 Kamastawa Mubes discussed several matters, such as the agreement of the Answer Sheet (LPJ), the agreement of the Basic Bylaws (ADRT), and the appointment of the chairman of HMJ Kamastawa for the 2024/2025 period. The PLJ agreement comes from several divisions, consisting of:
The second discussion was to agree on the ADRT of HMJ Kamastawa for the 2024/2025 period. One of the provisions is the change in the name of the department's student association. The Javanese Literature Student Family has been agreed upon to become the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Student Family. The change was made by considering the name of the study program, namely Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture UGM. However, the acronym of the major students has not changed, which remains Kamastawa. The decision was agreed to maintain kamastawa etymologically, which is the word 'kāma', which means love and loyalty, and 'stawa' which means prayer, hope, and praise in Sanskrit.
The third discussion was the determination of the chairman of HMJ Kamastawa for the 2024/2025 period. The determination of the chairman of HMJ Kamastawa was determined through deliberation by the mubes members. There were three candidates for the chairmanship of HMJ Kamastawa for the 2024/2025 period, namely Amtenaring Gulang (class of 2022), Gilang Cahyo Nusantara (class of 2022), and Yudha Adistira (class of 2022). The three candidates went through several stages, such as the presentation of the vision and mission, the question and answer session, the deliberation session, and the determination of the chairman of HMJ Kamastawa for the 2024/2025 period. Based on the deliberations of the participants in the big meeting, it was determined that the chairmanship of HMJ Kamastawa for the 2024/2025 period was held by Gilang Cahyo Nusantara. The determination of the chairman of HMJ Kamastawa for the 2024/2025 period was the last discussion in the HMJ Kamastawa mubes activity. The mubes activity was closed with a closing and joint documentation session.
The big meeting of HMJ Kamastawa 2023 is a learning activity for students to organize and be responsible for the obligations that have been mandated. Furthermore, these activities can be used to familiarize themselves with deliberation and expressing opinions. Thus, the procurement of the HMJ Kamastawa mubes is in line with the fourth point in the sustainable development goals, namely providing and improving the quality of good education for the community.
NewsSDGSStudentStudent's Activity Wednesday, 20 December 2023
The Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has made another proud achievement. This time, the Wignyasta UGM group won first place in the Javanese Literature Reportage Competition organized by Surabaya State University (UNESA). The competition took place from November 7, 2023, to the announcement period on December 3, 2023, online.
The Javanese literature reportage by Wignyasta UGM was titled "Sapa sing Temen, Bakal Tinemu." In this reportage, the Wignyasta UGM team interviewed Nini Klenyem, a writer of Javanese literary works from the past to the present. Nini Klenyem told us about her journey to publishing her works. Although she did not continue her formal education like most, her strong determination in creating works has brought her works to be more diverse and published until now.
The Wignyasta UGM group consists of four students of Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture class 2023, namely Alma Syahwalani, Bernadetta Rahayuning Tyas, Rachel Aulia, and Dian Nitami.
Etymologically, Wignyasta comes from the words 'wignyan,' which means "3 sandhangan panyigeg," and "asta," which comes from the Javanese word for "hand." The word 'wignyan' is interpreted as having a value of 3, while 'asta' is interpreted as having a value of 2, resulting in the number 32. By following the sengkalan system, the numbers are positioned upside down so that they become the number 23. "We made it the name of our team in order to raise the class of 2023," said Alma in an interview on Thursday, (21/12/2023).
The process of creating the reportage was not free of challenges. Alma explained, "In making the reportage text, we faced the obstacle of having to know and use Javanese speech levels appropriately, especially when interviewing Nini Klenyem. We also faced other obstacles, such as limited storage on our device, while we had to make revisions to the work."
"But, Alhamdulillah, we managed to get through all that so that the reportage work is ready to be completed. The making of this Javanese literature reportage was also inseparable from the guidance of Mrs. Wiwien (Dra. Wiwien Widyawati Rahayu, M.A.), the lecturer of our 'Introduction to Javanese Literature' course. She also helped us with the selection of sources because we didn't have much information about the writers of Javanese literature," Alma continued.
With the achievements made by Wignyasta UGM, it is expected that students of Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture UGM can continue to improve their abilities and knowledge related to Javanese culture, language, and literature. It is expected that students will continue to be enthusiastic about their work and can use their time to achieve achievements. This achievement is also in line with point four of the sustainable development goals, namely providing and developing the quality of education.
NewsSDGSStudentStudent's Activity Wednesday, 20 December 2023
Great achievements have been made by students of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) who are members of Paramadaya (Choir of Cultural Sciences). Yudha Adistira (class of 2022) and Abhimanyu Mahendra Maladeta Darmadi (class of 2023) won first place and the trophy in the choir competition titled "Christmas Choir Festival." The competition was held at Galleria Mall Yogyakarta on Sunday, (17/12/2023).
Yudha, Abhimanyu, and their fellow Paramadaya students performed the songs 'Grown Up Christmas List' and 'Look Closer'. Their choral performance drew the admiration of the audience and the judges. Because of this, Paramadaya won first place and the trophy.
In an interview with Yudha Adistira, he shared his experience: "At first, we didn't expect to win the championship. Our rivals were from other universities whose scale included the University Student Choir (PSM), while we were from the faculty choir. In addition, there were many participants who were older and more experienced than us. Alhamdulillah, we were able to pass the challenge and win. Hopefully, in the future, we can win first place again so that we can get the rotating trophy back."
This success is proof that Cultural Sciences Students (Mahadaya) at UGM can develop potential in the non-academic field through Semi-Autonomous Bodies (BSO) such as Paramadaya. The development of potential, both academic and non-academic, within the scope of the study program, faculty, and university is in line with the goals of sustainable development, especially in improving the quality of education for the community.
College StudentNewsSDGSStudent's Activity Tuesday, 5 December 2023
On Friday, December 1, 2023, the Humanika Scientific Reasoning Unit (UPI) released the announcement of the winners of the 2023 Humanika essay competition. The good news is that a student of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program, Haryo Untoro (class of 2022) won first place in the competition.
The UPI Humanika essay competition raised the theme "Seeing Environmental Problems Through a Humanities Perspective". The theme was then elaborated into three sub-themes, including;
The essay titled "Keeping insects from extinction by dealing with pests in Javanese style" by choosing subtheme one. The essay describes the fact that insects, which are considered disgusting animals as well as agricultural pests, have an important influence on the ecosystem. Destruction of insects with chemical pesticides can pollute the environment and eliminate the existence of insects in the environment. The solution to this is to use the Javanese mindset that is in harmony with nature, full of caution, and upholds harmony, as well as several ways to deal with pests without damaging the ecosystem. The perspectives and methods proposed are based on Javanese folklore, literature, and traditions.
The national essay competition organized by UPI Humanika can be a forum for developing the ability to think critically, writing skills, and care about environmental conditions. In addition, the UPI Humanika national essay competition is also in line with two points in the sustainable development goals, namely point four in the form of providing and developing the quality of education and point fifteen in the form of maintaining the land ecosystem.
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