Lecturer of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program Introduces Philology in Public Lecture: Philology in Javanese Manu script Studies

On Monday, March 4, 2024, at 09.30 AM WITA, Dr. Arsanti Wulandari, S.S., M.Hum, a lecturer from the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program, became a speaker in a public lecture entitled 'Philology in the Study of Javanese Manuscripts'. This activity was held through the Zoom Meeting platform and initiated by the Javanese Literature Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University (FIB UNUD).

In the public lecture, Dr. Arsanti Wulandari presented an introduction to philology, reviewed the concept of philology, the object of study, the tasks of philologists, and the final product produced. The presentation is complemented by examples of Javanese manuscripts and their identification, so that the audience can understand philology more easily.   The discussion session that followed provided space for participants to ask various questions, showing their high enthusiasm for the topics discussed.

This public lecture on philology was held in response to the diminishing interest of students in the field of philological studies. However, the government is currently seriously encouraging the excavation of knowledge and values contained in ancient manuscripts. Hopefully, through this kind of activity, interest in and understanding of philology can grow again among students.

The importance of understanding and maintaining the sustainability of knowledge and cultural values contained in ancient manuscripts is the focus of this public lecture. By providing knowledge, enthusiasm, and establishing good cooperation, it is hoped that the knowledge and cultural values in ancient manuscripts can be preserved and then developed according to the needs of the times. This is in line with the goals of sustainable development, especially in improving the quality of education (point 4) and strengthening cooperation to achieve common goals (point 17).