Studying abroad with scholarships is a student’s dream because it can enrich life experiences and can feel a new and qualified educational atmosphere.
The story of Kezia Permata, an alumnus of Javanese Literature UGM class of 2016 brings proud and inspiring news amid the Covid-19 pandemic. His graduation in 2020 gave her many opportunities to develop, starting from receiving an offer to work at the UGM Center for Cultural Studies as a research assistant and the great opportunity to continue her Master’s studies at SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) University of London through an Alphawood scholarship.
Friday, July 17, 2020 The Javanese Literature Study Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada and the Balinese Literature Study Program at Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Bali Provincial Cultural Value Preservation Center (BPNB) held a public lecture with the theme of study “Mantra Ruwat: Relationships of Compendiums of Manuscripts in Palace and scriptorium Merapi-Merbabu”. The public lecture on this occasion was held online using the facility Webinar from Cisco Webex and broadcast live through the channel Youtube BPNB Bali. The activity which lasted almost 2.5 hours presented speakers Rendra Agusta (Researcher of Surakarta Manuscripts) and Dr. Abimardha Kurniawan (Researcher of Merapi-Merbabu Manuscripts) and was guided by Zakariya Pamuji Aminullah (Lecturer of Javanese Literature Study Program). The public lecture starts at 01.00 pm WIB / 02.00 pm WIB until 05.00 pm WIB / 06.00 pm WITA starting with remarks from the Head of the UGM Javanese Literature Study Program and then continuing with material presentation, responses as well as remarks from BPNB Bali Province, discussions and questions and answers.

On December 31, 2019, the UGM Javanese Literature Study Program won the achievement of being the only undergraduate study program at UGM that successfully completed-tracer study UGM 2019 as much as 100%. Need to know,Tracer Study UGM 2019 is a survey conducted to evaluate and improve the implementation process and education system at UGM. The results of the survey will become valuable data for UGM and are needed for various development needs and progress of UGM.
This annual award is given by the Directorate of Partnerships, Alumnus and International Affairs UGM to five faculties and eight study programs that get a percentage of completion-tracer study highest percentage, as well as to the administrative staff of each faculty who succeeded in making the program a success. On that occasion, the Javanese Literature Study Program won response rate of 100%, followed by the Regional Development Study Program with 88.57%, the Environmental Geography Study Program with 85.45%, the Dentist Education Study Program with 84.57%, the Aquaculture Study Program with 83.33%, Economics Study Program 80.85%, Forestry Study Program 72.4% and Veterinary Professional Education Study Program 50%