Courses Description

Receptive Oral Javanese Language (IBJW212102)

The course of Javanese language proficiency in the receptive oral aspect is provided to enable students to listen and comprehend the content of news, stories, or scientific lectures in both colloquial and formal Javanese language forms and to be able to rewrite and understand their meanings. The scope of instruction for Receptive Oral Javanese Language includes Standard Javanese Language Spelling, Javanese Language Pronunciation, and Javanese Language Writing. The teaching is carried out through lecture, discussion, and listening and rewriting practice. Evaluation is conducted during each face-to-face session by assessing student writing results, mid-term exams (UTS), and final exams (UAS).

Communicative Oral Javanese Language (IBJW212103)

Communicative Oral Javanese Language is provided to students to enable them to understand different speech levels and Javanese language rules, and to express themselves and respond orally using standard Javanese language properly and coherently. The scope of teaching covers everyday conversations. The introduction is delivered in Javanese language. The teaching methods mainly involve practical oral exercises, discussions, and presentations. The planned evaluation includes individual assignments, group assignments, mid-term exams (UTS), and final exams (UAS).

Introduction to Old Javanese Language (IBJW212104)

Introduction to Old Javanese Language is a mandatory course for Javanese Literature students. In this introductory course, students will be introduced to Old Javanese Language, historical aspects, pre-history, the relationship between Old Javanese Language, Middle Javanese Language, and Modern Javanese Language. The lectures are conducted using easily understandable Old Javanese texts. After completing this course, students are expected to have a basic understanding of the language and literature of Old Javanese, which is beneficial for further studies. Student evaluation is performed through assignments involving analysis and translation exercises, Mid-Term Exams (Ujian Tengah Semester - UTS), and Final Exams (Ujian Akhir Semester - UAS).

Introduction to Javanese Linguistics (IBJW212105)

Introduction to Javanese Linguistics aims to introduce the linguistic identity, target objects, linguistic analysis methods, linguistic fields and branches, and related concepts. The learning outcome is for students to acquire adequate knowledge about the general identity of the language. Teaching material is presented through lectures, discussions, and assignments. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation methods include post-tests and feedback at the end of each topic, during mid-semester, and at the end of the semester. The grade distribution consists of a final exam score (50%), mid-term exam score (30%), and scores from papers, daily assignments, and student activities (20%).

Introduction to Javanese Literature (IBJW212106)

This course is a compulsory subject for Javanese Literature program students. The purpose of this course is to fulfill the graduate competencies: (1) to know and understand the scope of introductory literary science teaching including the history of literature, literary theory, and literary criticism; (2) to know and understand literary theories and their applications; (3) to know and understand various types of literary criticism and their applications. This course gradually imparts knowledge and understanding of the history and theory of literature, enabling students to apply these literary theories to analyze and criticize literary works based on historical periods (Ancient Java, Middle Java, Classic/New Java, and Modern Java) and genres (poetry, prose, and drama) in both written and oral forms. Teaching methods involve the Student-Centered Learning (SCL) approach, accommodating students' potential through classroom lectures, discussions, and structured assignments both individually and in groups. Assessment methods encompass individual and group assignments, classroom participation, formative assessments (quizzes, assignments), and summative assessments (UTS, UAS).

Javanese for Foreign Speakers (IBJW212138)

The course Javanese for Foreign Speakers provides basic knowledge of Javanese language, including introduction to Javanese script and pronunciation, as well as basic morphology and syntax. After completing this course, students will possess knowledge and skills to use Javanese language formally and informally. Teaching methods include lectures and question-and-answer sessions. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Student learning outcomes are evaluated based on mid-term and final exams, as well as speaking and communication skills demonstrated during daily practice and oral exams.

Malay Palembang Language (IBJW212139)

The Malay Palembang Language is an elective course designed to provide students with knowledge and skills related to aspects of the Palembang Malay language. This enables them to apply the concepts they have learned to contribute to the preservation of the Palembang Malay language. Upon completing this course, students are expected to understand and master the nuances of using the Palembang Malay language as well as the community of its speakers. The teaching methods applied in learning the Palembang Malay Language include lectures, question-and-answer sessions, discussions, and exercises.

The medium of instruction used in this course is the Indonesian language. Learning assessment is conducted through the Final Semester Exam, papers, and classroom activities.

New Javanese Prose (IBJW212101)

New Javanese Prose texts are provided to students with the aim of enabling them to read or understand Javanese prose texts in both Latin and Javanese scripts, using both old and current spellings. Information is presented in the form of Javanese prose with various language variations, including ngoko, madya, and krama levels of difficulty, which can be appropriately understood by students. The scope of teaching this New Javanese Prose text includes theory and practice of reading with basic and intermediate levels of difficulty. Teaching is delivered through methods such as lectures, presentations, discussions, and independent assignments. Assessment is carried out through daily assignments, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Old Javanese Morpho-Syntax (IBJW212209)

Old Javanese Morpho-Syntax is a mandatory course in the Javanese Literature Program. By taking this course, students will be able to research various aspects of morphology, syntax, and Old Javanese language texts. Methods used include discussions, analytical exercises, and question-and-answer sessions. The language used in teaching is Indonesian. Evaluation encompasses student comprehension, learning outcomes, and abilities (exercises, student activities, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams).

Phonetics Phonology (IBJW212210)

The Phonetics Phonology course aims to enable students to understand how language sounds are produced, their classification, their role in distinguishing meanings, and their role in communication. Students are also expected to be able to describe phonemes and transcribe and transliterate languages from the Nusantara region. Lectures are delivered through methods such as lectures, discussions, and question-and-answer sessions. Student evaluation is done through the Final Semester Exam, participation in discussions, and paper assignments.

The Javanese Literary Treasury (IBJW212211)

The Javanese Literary Treasury course is a compulsory course for Javanese Literature Program students, designed to equip them with extensive knowledge and understanding of Javanese literature. Expected outcomes after completing this course include: 1) students knowing Indian, Old Javanese, Middle Javanese, and New Javanese literature; 2) students understanding expert opinions on presented works; 3) students understanding the historical development of the presented works. Material is delivered through methods like lectures, discussions, question-and-answer sessions, and independent assignments. Student evaluation is carried out through Midterm Exams, Final Exams, participation in discussions, and independent assignments.

Introduction to Philology (IBJW212213)

The Introduction to Philology course is a mandatory course in the Javanese Literature Program. The course aims to fulfill graduate competencies, including: 1) understanding and explaining all related material professionally; 2) applying philological knowledge in handling philological objects; 3) playing a role in preserving and utilizing ancestral heritage. The course covers the definition of philology, objects of study, manuscript storage, general and specific philological goals, philology's place among other disciplines, and the history of philology's development in Europe and the Nusantara region. Teaching is conducted through face-to-face sessions, lectures, and discussions. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is based on independent assignments, classroom activities, attendance, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Tembang MacapatĀ  (IBJW212240)

Tembang Macapat course is an elective course designed to enhance language, literature, and Javanese culture knowledge and skills through the medium of tembang Macapat. After completing this course, students are capable of composing two types of tembang Macapat and singing them correctly. Teaching methods include lectures, discussions, and practical singing of tembang Macapat. Student assessment includes weekly tembang Macapat composition assignments, midterm grades, and final grades.

Balinese Language (IBJW212241)

The Balinese Language course is an elective course in the Javanese Literature Program. Aligned with the course objectives, which include introducing Balinese language for understanding narrative texts, the mastery of Balinese language includes phonological and morphological elements, understanding narratives containing tales and ethics at basic and intermediate difficulty levels. Teaching is delivered through methods such as lectures, presentations, and independent assignments. Assessment is carried out through daily assignments, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Madurese Language (IBJW212242)

The Madurese Language course is an elective course providing knowledge of the Madurese language through written and spoken texts. The main objectives are: a) introducing students to basic grammar and linguistic features of the Madurese language; b) explaining spelling and writing issues of Madurese language textually; c) introducing and explaining the transcription system from oral sources to written text; d) training students to read and pronounce Madurese language correctly; e) training in writing and transcribing Madurese sentences according to the appropriate spelling; f) fostering group work and study and building an academic atmosphere. The language of instruction in the Madurese Language course is Indonesian. Assessment of students is done through attendance control, student response activities, structured assignments, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

New Javanese Poetry Texts (IBJW212208)

New Javanese Poetry Texts is a continuation of the New Javanese Prose Texts course. Selected reading materials have a higher level of difficulty compared to New Javanese Prose Texts, including various literary genres such as babad, crita wayang, and piwulang presented in the form of tembang macapat poetry. Teaching is delivered through methods such as lectures, presentations, discussions, and independent assignments. Evaluation is based on daily assignments, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Old Javanese Prose Texts (IBJW212114)

Old Javanese Prose Texts is a mandatory course. Students are guided to translate and understand Old Javanese prose texts after gaining knowledge of Old Javanese morphology and syntax from the previous course (Old Javanese Morpho-Syntax). From this course, students can translate prose texts in Old Javanese. Teaching methods combine Student Centered Learning (SCL) and Teacher Centered Learning (TCL/STAR). Teaching is done through face-to-face sessions, lectures, and discussions. The language used for instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is based on independent assignments, classroom activities, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Sanskrit Language (IBJW212212)

The Sanskrit Language course is a mandatory course that focuses on grammar for beginners. This course aims to enable students to: 1) understand the grammar system present in simple Sanskrit sentences; 2) understand narratives that incorporate grammar rules presented through the presence of lexicon and grammar; 3) know the role and function of lexicon and grammar as representations of Sanskrit grammar implementation. The language used for instruction is Indonesian. Teaching methods include lectures, question-and-answer sessions, discussions, and assignment exercises. Evaluation is based on student feedback, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Dutch Language (IBJW212115)

The Dutch Language course is a mandatory course in the Javanese Literature Program. This course is organized due to the necessity of reading proficiency in Dutch to access archival sources in Dutch language that are valuable for Javanese literary research. The general objective of the basic level Dutch language course is for students to be able to read and understand sentence fragments and text fragments in Dutch. The teaching methods used include lectures, discussions, and exercises using a guidebook. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Assessment is done through classroom activities, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Morphology (IBJW212116)

Morphology is a mandatory course in the Javanese Literature Department. The course aims to fulfill graduate competencies such as (1) identifying and applying concepts and theories to address discourse issues in literature, language, and narratives of the Nusantara according to societal dynamics; (2) building cultural reflections on societal life phenomena. Teaching methods combine Student Centered Learning with Student Teacher Aesthetic Role-sharing (STAR). Teaching is done through face-to-face lectures and discussions. Assessment methods include independent assignments, group assignments, classroom activities, formative tests, and summative tests.

Javanese Literary History (IBJW212117)

Javanese Literary History is a mandatory course in the Javanese Literature Program. Students gain an understanding of Indian literature, Old Javanese, Middle Javanese, and New Javanese literature, and apply them for practical and scholarly purposes. Teaching methods used are lectures and discussions. Planned evaluation methods include Midterm Exams, final exams, participation and discipline in class, and assignment grades.

Paleography (IBJW212118)

Paleography is a course that follows the Introduction to Philology course. After taking this course, students are expected to: (1) understand and comprehend paleography; (2) understand the classification of scripts, characteristics of Nusantara scripts, and writing phases; (3) understand the history and development of scripts in Indonesia and the influence of three major world cultures; (4) understand Nusantara scripts including consonants, vowels, other symbols, numbers, spellings, especially Old Javanese, New Javanese, Arabic, Pegon, Balinese, Batak, Lampung, Bugis, Makassar; (5) understand printed and handwritten texts. Teaching methods during the course include lectures, discussions, and practice in transcribing manuscripts. Student evaluation is conducted through Midterm Exams, Final Exams, and participation in discussions.

Pranatacara Arts (IBJW212144)

Pranatacara Arts is a skill-based course offered by the Javanese Literature Program to support the mandatory language and literature courses. Pranatacara Arts provides theoretical and practical foundations for being a presenter using the Javanese language. Students are equipped with comprehensive understanding and critical analysis of proper and effective use of the Javanese language in various social occasions. The desired outcome of this course is for students to recognize the knowledge possessed by a presenter and its practical application. Teaching is conducted through lectures, discussions, practice, and presentations. Evaluation is done on a weekly basis through participation in discussions and presentations, Midterm Exams, and a final practice exam.

Tata cara (IBJW212145)

Tata cara is an elective course in the Javanese Literature Program organized to fulfill graduate competencies, including: 1) knowing, understanding, comprehending, describing, and identifying all material taught in the Tata cara course; 2) playing a role in preserving and utilizing the tata cara of ancestral cultural heritage. The course covers material on: 1) selamatan (traditional feast), 2) M3 (birth, wedding, death), 3) Gugon tuhon in Javanese society. Teaching methods combine Student Centered Learning with Teacher Centered Learning (STAR). Teaching is done through face-to-face sessions, lectures, and discussions. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is based on independent assignments, classroom activities, attendance, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Productive Written Javanese Language (IBJW212207)

Productive Written Javanese Language is part of the Javanese Language Mastery course. Through this course, students are expected to express their opinions in written form, both fiction and non-fiction, and correct writings according to Javanese Standard Language (EYD Bahasa Jawa). Teaching methods include lectures, discussions, and independent assignments. The languages used are Javanese and Indonesian. Evaluation is based on Final Exams, Midterm Exams, and assignments.

Old Javanese Poetry Texts (IBJW212219)

Old Javanese Poetry Texts is a mandatory course. In this course, students are guided to translate and understand Old Javanese poetry texts. Teaching is conducted through Student Centered Learning (SCL) method. Teaching is done through face-to-face sessions, lectures, and discussions. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is based on independent assignments, classroom activities, attendance, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Syntax (IBJW212220)

Syntax course aims to enable students to understand the structure of syntax units, analyze Javanese language and/or other Nusantara languages based on these units, and analyze relationships based on grammatical hierarchy. After completing the Syntax course for Javanese Language, students are expected to: 1) understand and analyze syntax units; 2) understand and analyze relationships between syntax units based on grammatical hierarchy; 3) analyze and compare syntax units of Javanese and several Nusantara languages. Teaching material is presented through lectures, discussions, and assignments. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation includes post-tests and feedback at the end of each topic, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams. The grade breakdown consists of 50% final exam, 30% midterm exam, and 20% for assignments, daily tasks, and student activities.

Javanese Literary Analysis (IBJW212221)

This course is a mandatory course in the Javanese Literature Program. The course aims to fulfill graduate competencies, including (1) mastering the material objects of poetry, prose, and drama in Javanese literature, (2) mastering basic theoretical concepts in the field of literature, especially Javanese literature, for the purpose of analyzing material objects (Javanese poetry, prose, and drama), (3) applying structural analysis theories to material objects: Javanese poetry, prose, and drama. This course focuses on analyzing material objects such as Javanese poetry, prose, and drama. Basic theories used as examples include structural theories that are relevant to material objects, whether in the form of poetry, prose, or drama. Other types of analyses beyond structural analysis are also possible. Teaching methods include Student Centered Learning (SCL), which is a potential-based approach that accommodates students' intelligences. Teaching is conducted through face-to-face sessions, discussions, and structured assignments, both individually and in groups. Assessment methods include independent assignments, group assignments, attendance, participation in class, formative assessments (quizzes, assignments), and summative assessments (Midterm Exams, Final Exams).

Codicology (IBJW212222)

Codicology is a branch of Philology specialized in dealing with physical conditions of manuscripts. Through this course, students are expected to: 1) distinguish between the concepts of manuscripts and texts, 2) have knowledge of manuscripts and codices, 3) have knowledge of the process of creating manuscripts, 4) describe the elements present in a text. Teaching methods include lectures, discussions, independent practice, and field practice. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Planned evaluation includes Final Exams, field practice reports, interim exams, assignments, and presentations.

Karawitan (IBJW212143)

Karawitan is a course intended to equip students with specific skills. This course focuses on knowledge of karawitan art and simple composition examples for beginners. After completing this course, students are expected to have knowledge of the function of gamelan in Javanese society, the function of each gamelan instrument in a musical composition (gending), gamelan composition patterns, and the technique of playing gamelan instruments in a gending composition. This lecture is conducted using introductory Indonesian. Planned evaluation includes Midterm Exams, Final Exams, and practical sessions.

Historical Literature (IBJW212223)

The Historical Literature course is provided to strengthen students' understanding of historical literature in the ancient, medieval, and modern Javanese periods, as well as its development. In-depth and broad introduction and understanding of historical literature texts from ancient to modern times will facilitate students' studies, especially for literature enthusiasts. After taking this course, students are expected to: 1) understand historical literature in ancient, modern, and medieval Java; 2) understand various genres in historical literature; 3) have knowledge of historical figures in Javanese kingdoms. Teaching is delivered through lectures, discussions, and question-and-answer sessions. Evaluation is done through structured assignments, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Javanese Literary Issues (IBJW212124)

Javanese Literary Issues is a mandatory course in the Javanese Literature Program. After taking this course, students are expected to: a. understand and comprehend the scope of Javanese Literary Issues course, b. know how to identify problems in Javanese Literature, c. be able to provide alternative solutions to solve problems in Javanese Literature. The methods used are lectures, discussions, assignments, recitations, and Problem-Based Learning (PBL) based on Student Centered Learning. The language of instruction used is Indonesian. Evaluation methods include individual or group oral exams and essays.

Middle Javanese Prose Texts (IBJW212125)

Middle Javanese Prose Texts is a mandatory course. After completing this course, students are expected to be able to understand, interpret, and translate Middle Javanese prose texts along with their challenges. The language of instruction in this course is Indonesian, while the teaching method includes face-to-face classroom sessions and assignments. Evaluation is based on student attendance, assignment readiness, midterm exams, and final exams.

Textual Criticism (IBJW212126)

Textual Criticism is a mandatory course that provides an overview of etymology, history, the research process in philology, and textual criticism methods as one of the stages in presenting texts. The expected outcomes of this course are: 1) students know the locations of manuscript storage; 2) students master philological research methods; 3) students can analyze, critique, and interpret textual issues before presenting an edited text; 4) students master editing methods chosen for a critical presentation of texts in a accountable process. This course is delivered in Indonesian through lectures, discussions, practice, and presentations. Evaluation is done through individual assignments, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Semantics of Javanese Language (IBJW212127)

Semantics of Javanese Language is a mandatory course. After completing this course, students are expected to: 1) have a general understanding of semantics; 2) possess skills in interpreting linguistic units and applying semantic theories in Nusantara languages, especially Javanese; 3) be able to identify and formulate issues related to the meanings of Nusantara languages, particularly Javanese; 4) conduct analysis of Nusantara languages, particularly Javanese, both spoken and written; 5) understand the meanings of languages and their changes; 6) be sensitive to linguistic developments in the community; 7) be open and innovative in accessing information about the development of semantic knowledge. Teaching is conducted in Indonesian. Methods include presentations, discussions, and lectures. Planned evaluation includes Midterm Exams, Final Exams, group assignments, and individual assignments.

Interdisciplinary Linguistics (IBJW212128)

Interdisciplinary Linguistics is a mandatory course in the Javanese Literature Program that explores linguistics in connection with other disciplines, especially social sciences. This course covers sociolinguistics and dialectology. Learning takes place through face-to-face sessions and field practices. The outcomes after completing this course are: 1) students have an understanding of dialectology and sociolinguistics; 2) students understand sociolinguistic and dialectological variables. Student evaluation is carried out through class activities, individual assignments, group assignments, formative tests, and summative tests.

Sundanese Language (IBJW212147)

The Sundanese Language course is offered as an elective course in the Javanese Literature Program. The course is designed to introduce the Sundanese language to adult learners, particularly non-native speakers of Javanese. This course provides basic linguistic knowledge related to key aspects including phonetics and phonology, morphology, and semantics. However, all aspects are introduced and described in a simple manner. In addition to introducing these linguistic aspects, the course is also designed to provide simple training for students to use the Sundanese language to construct common sentences used by Sundanese speakers. The methods used include lectures, discussions, and independent assignments. The language used as the medium of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is based on assignments, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Suluk Literature (IBJW212148)

Suluk Literature is an elective course in the Javanese Literature Program. After completing this course, students are expected to: a. understand and comprehend the scope of the Suluk Literature course; b. recognize the characteristics of Suluk Literature; c. understand the theories and methods of studying Suluk Literature. The methods used are based on Student Centered Learning, including lectures, discussions, assignments, recitations, and Problem-Based Learning (PBL). The language of instruction used is Indonesian. Evaluation methods include class activities, assignments, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Javanese Culture (IBJW212149)

Javanese Culture is an elective course in the Javanese Literature Program. The goal of the Javanese Culture course is for students to know, understand, preserve, appreciate, and develop their knowledge of Javanese culture. The methods used in this course are lectures, discussions, demonstrations, simulations, observations, and practical activities at various Javanese cultural centers. Student evaluation is conducted through three methods: Final Exams, Midterm Exams, assignments such as research papers, active participation in discussions, and attendance.

Creative Oral Javanese Language (IBJW212229)

Creative Oral Javanese Language is a continuation of the Productive Oral Javanese Language course as part of the Javanese Language Mastery course. After completing this course, students are expected to be able to express themselves, respond, and create using the standard Javanese language orally with fluency. The methods used include lectures, presentations, discussions, and individual assignments. The languages used as mediums of instruction are Javanese and Indonesian. Evaluation methods include Final Exams, Midterm Exams, individual assignments, and class participation.

Middle Javanese Poetry Texts (IBJW212231)

Middle Javanese Poetry Texts is a mandatory course. After taking this course, students are expected to be able to understand, interpret, and translate Middle Javanese poetry texts along with their challenges. The language of instruction in this course is Indonesian, while the teaching method includes face-to-face classroom sessions and assignments. Evaluation is based on student attendance, assignment readiness, midterm exams, and final exams.

Creative Written Javanese Language (IBJW212230)

Creative Written Javanese Language is part of the advanced Javanese Language Mastery course, building on the Productive Written Javanese Language course. This course aims to support students in writing academic works, particularly pathisari in their theses, in accordance with the Javanese EYD. The methods used are lectures, discussions, and individual assignments. The languages used as mediums of instruction are Javanese and Indonesian. Evaluation methods include Final Exams, Midterm Exams, and assignments.

Arabic Language in Javanese Texts (IBJW212232)

Arabic Language in Javanese Texts is a mandatory course for students specializing in philology. After completing this course, students are expected to be able to observe and explain the adaptation of Arabic language in Javanese texts and the process of assimilating Arabic into Javanese. Teaching methods include lectures, discussions, and assignments involving reading Islamic-themed or Pegon-scripted Javanese texts. Evaluation methods include individual assignments, class activities, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Translation (IBJW212233)

Translation is a mandatory course in the Javanese Literature Program. In this course, students are guided to master the techniques, methods, and theories of translating Javanese language: New Javanese, Classical Javanese, Middle Javanese, and Old Javanese. Examples of texts used for translation include prose and poetry. As a result, students can translate Javanese texts by translating word by word, providing literal translation, or translating freely. The teaching methods combine Student Centered Learning (SCL) and Teacher Centered Learning (TCL/STAR). Teaching involves face-to-face models, lectures, and discussions. The language used as the medium of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is based on individual assignments, class activities, attendance, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Linguistic Issues in Javanese (IBJW212234)

This course is a mandatory course in the Javanese Literature Program. The course aims to fulfill the graduate competencies: (1) to be able to identify and apply concepts and theories to address issues in Javanese literary discourse, language, and narratives in accordance with societal dynamics; (2) to build cultural reflection on phenomena in community life. The course discusses various linguistic problems that can be studied, both structural linguistics (phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics), and interdisciplinary linguistics (dialectology, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, lexicography). The teaching method used is the STAR method (Student Teacher Aesthetic Role-sharing). Learning takes place through face-to-face classroom sessions and discussions. Evaluation methods include individual assignments, group assignments, class activities, formative tests, and summative tests.

Linguistic Research Methods (IBJW212235)

The expected outcomes after taking the Linguistic Research Methods course are for students to understand methods in linguistic research, including data collection methods, data analysis methods, and presentation methods for analysis results. In addition, students are expected to be able to implement supporting factors for language research and apply them to create a research on Nusantara languages, particularly Javanese. Teaching methods involve face-to-face classroom sessions, presentations, discussions, individual assignments, and group assignments. Assessment of student competencies is based on indicators of learning outcomes in the form of tasks carried out individually and in groups to implement the learning material, both in the classroom and in the field (language user community).

Literary Research Methods (IBJW212235)

The expected outcomes after taking the Literary Research Methods course are for students to understand methods in literary research, including data collection methods, data analysis methods, and presentation methods for analysis results. Students are also expected to be able to apply the learned methods in the form of a draft thesis proposal. Teaching methods involve face-to-face classroom sessions, presentations, discussions, individual assignments, and group assignments. Assessment of student competencies is based on indicators of learning outcomes in the form of tasks carried out individually and in groups to implement the learning material.

Philological Research Methods (IBJW212235)

The expected outcomes after taking the Philological Research Methods course are for students to understand methods in philological research, including inventorying, determining text integrity, describing manuscripts and texts, presenting edited texts, and translation. In addition, students are expected to be able to implement these methods in manuscript research. Teaching methods involve face-to-face classroom sessions, presentations, discussions, individual assignments, and group assignments. Assessment of student competencies is based on indicators of learning outcomes in the form of tasks carried out individually and in groups to implement the learning material, both in the classroom and in the field.

Javanese Language in Media Expression (IBJW212251)

Javanese Language in Media Expression is an elective course for Javanese Literature Program students. The desired learning outcomes include students' ability to understand various forms of Javanese used in communication media, analyze Javanese language variations in communication media, and demonstrate awareness of the development of Javanese used in communication media. Teaching methods involve lectures, discussions, and text analysis practices in Javanese. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Teaching methods include lectures, discussions, question-and-answer sessions, and analyzing Javanese texts in media communication. Planned evaluation includes Final Exams, Midterm Exams, various assignments, class participation, and attendance.

Puppet Literature (IBJW212252)

Puppet Literature is an elective course in the Javanese Literature Program. After completing this course, students are expected to understand the definition, elements, values, and history of the puppet. Teaching methods include lectures, discussions, question-and-answer sessions, practice assignments, observing wayang characters, and watching wayang videos. Assessment methods include Midterm Exams, Final Exams, class participation, the quality of task completion, and attendance.

Lexicography (IBJW212253)

Lexicography is an elective course in the Javanese Literature Program that examines lexicology. The course aims to fulfill graduate competencies: (1) to be able to identify and apply concepts and theories to address issues in Javanese literary discourse, language, and narratives in accordance with societal dynamics; (2) to build cultural reflection on phenomena in community life. The course combines Student-Centered Learning (SCL) and Teacher Centered Learning (TCL/STAR) methods. Learning takes place through face-to-face classroom sessions and discussions. Evaluation methods include individual assignments, group assignments, class activities, formative tests, and summative tests.

Nusantara Languages (IBJW212254)

Nusantara Languages is an elective course for Javanese Literature Program students. The competencies to be achieved from this course are for students to recognize the significance of language as a cultural element and a means of social communication, to have the ability to identify Nusantara languages as linguistic objects, and to recognize various Nusantara languages as regional languages in Indonesia and part of the Austronesian language family, along with the methods used to identify them. Teaching methods involve lectures, discussions, and presentations. Evaluation of students is based on class participation, assignments, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Sanskrit Texts (IBJW212150)

Sanskrit Texts is an elective course in the Javanese Literature Program offered in semester VI. Students who take this course should have completed the Sanskrit Grammar I and II courses offered as mandatory courses in semester III and IV. The learning outcomes of this course include understanding the differences between Sanskrit and Old Javanese, comprehending the structure and grammar of Sanskrit, and developing the ability to read and transcribe Sanskrit texts. Evaluation involves various activities such as structured exercises, discipline and class participation, as well as Midterm and Final Exams.

Linguistics/Literature/Philology Seminar (IBJW212136)

The seminar course is a mandatory course held in semester 7. After completing this course, students should understand the procedures for thesis guidance based on agreements with thesis advisors and be able to apply knowledge of writing techniques in a thesis proposal. Teaching methods include lectures, discussions, practice, and assignments. Assessment is carried out through weekly face-to-face activities, pre-proposal assessments, and final proposals.

Oral Tradition (IBJW212246)

Javanese Oral Tradition is an elective course in the Javanese Literature Program designed to fulfill graduate competencies: 1) to recognize, understand, describe, and identify Javanese oral traditions; 2) to play a role in preserving, safeguarding, maintaining, and utilizing ancestral cultural oral traditions. The course covers various orally transmitted traditions, including cognitive systems such as customs, ethics, medicine, genealogical systems, law, rituals, knowledge systems, oral literature, and inheritance systems. The teaching method combines Student Center Learning (SCL) and Teacher Centered Learning (TCL/STAR). Learning occurs through face-to-face models, lectures, and discussions. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is based on individual assignments, class activities, attendance, Midterm Exams, and Final Exams.

Manuscript Governance (IBJW212155) MBKM

Manuscript Governance is a 3-credit elective course in the Language, Literature, and Culture of Javanese Program. This course provides students with experience in managing manuscripts effectively. The teaching method used is Student-Centered Learning (SCL), with practical fieldwork and group discussions, promoting collaborative and cooperative learning. Learning involves direct work practice at institutions where students are engaged in Community Service Learning (CSL), facilitated by questions and feedback from supervisors and instructors. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is monitored throughout the implementation of activities and a final evaluation after the completion of the CSL activity.

Javanese-Indonesian Translation (IBJW212156) MBKM

Javanese-Indonesian Translation is a 3-credit elective course in the Javanese Literature Program. This course enables students to translate texts between Javanese and Indonesian languages. The teaching method used is Student-Centered Learning (SCL), with practical fieldwork and group discussions, promoting collaborative and cooperative learning. Learning involves direct work practice at institutions where students are engaged in Community Service Learning (CSL), facilitated by questions and feedback from supervisors and instructors. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is monitored throughout the implementation of activities and a final evaluation after the completion of the CSL activity.

Javanese-Latin Script Transcription (IBJW212157) MBKM

The course Javanese-Latin Script Transcription (IBJW212157) is a 3-credit elective course in the Javanese Literature Program. By taking this course, students will be able to transcribe Javanese-script manuscripts into the Latin script and vice versa. The teaching method used is Student-Centered Learning (SCL) with extensive fieldwork practice and group discussions, fostering collaborative and cooperative learning. Learning takes the form of direct work practice at institutions where students engage in Community Service Learning (CSL), facilitated by question and feedback sessions from supervisors and instructors. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is monitored throughout the implementation of activities and concludes with a final evaluation after the completion of the CSL activity.

Performance Art Adaptation (IBJW212158) MBKM

The course Performance Art Adaptation (IBJW212158) is a 3-credit elective course in the Javanese Literature Program. By taking this course, students will adapt written texts into performance art, where they will learn about rules, accompaniment, supporting props, plotlines, and other supporting elements present in performance texts. The teaching method used is Student-Centered Learning (SCL) with extensive fieldwork practice and group discussions, promoting collaborative and cooperative learning. Learning involves direct work practice at institutions where students engage in Community Service Learning (CSL), facilitated by question and feedback sessions from supervisors and instructors. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is monitored throughout the implementation of activities and concludes with a final evaluation after the completion of the CSL activity.

Javanese Attire Arrangement (IBJW212159) MBKM

The course Javanese Attire Arrangement (IBJW212159) is a 3-credit elective course in the Javanese Literature Program. By taking this course, students will understand the rules of dressing in accordance with prevailing norms. The teaching method used is Student-Centered Learning (SCL) with extensive fieldwork practice and group discussions, fostering collaborative and cooperative learning. Learning involves direct work practice at institutions where students engage in Community Service Learning (CSL), facilitated by question and feedback sessions from supervisors and instructors. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is monitored throughout the implementation of activities and concludes with a final evaluation after the completion of the CSL activity.

Javanese Script Content Writing (IBJW212160) MBKM

The course Javanese Script Content Writing (IBJW212160) is a 3-credit elective course in the Javanese Literature Program. By taking this course, students will be able to creatively write content in Javanese script. The teaching method used is Student-Centered Learning (SCL) with extensive fieldwork practice and group discussions, fostering collaborative and cooperative learning. Learning involves direct work practice at institutions where students engage in Community Service Learning (CSL), facilitated by question and feedback sessions from supervisors and instructors. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is monitored throughout the implementation of activities and concludes with a final evaluation after the completion of the CSL activity.

Exhibition Research and Narrative Preparation (IBJW212161) MBKM

The course Exhibition Research and Narrative Preparation (IBJW212161) is a 2-credit elective course in the Language, Literature, and Culture of Javanese Program. By taking this course, students will gain knowledge about the steps to prepare for an exhibition. The teaching method used is Student-Centered Learning (SCL) with extensive fieldwork practice and group discussions, fostering collaborative and cooperative learning. Learning involves direct work practice at institutions where students engage in Community Service Learning (CSL), facilitated by question and feedback sessions from supervisors and instructors. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is monitored throughout the implementation of activities and concludes with a final evaluation after the completion of the CSL activity.

Collection Arrangement and Exhibition Display (IBJW212162) MBKM

The course Collection Arrangement and Exhibition Display (IBJW212162) is a 2-credit elective course in the Language, Literature, and Culture of Javanese Program. By taking this course, students will gain knowledge about the stages involved in arranging collections and setting up exhibition displays. The teaching method used is Student-Centered Learning (SCL) with extensive fieldwork practice and group discussions, fostering collaborative and cooperative learning. Learning involves direct work practice at institutions where students engage in Community Service Learning (CSL), facilitated by question and feedback sessions from supervisors and instructors. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is monitored throughout the implementation of activities and concludes with a final evaluation after the completion of the CSL activity.

Collaboration Management and Exhibition Support Agenda (IBJW212163) MBKM

The course Collaboration Management and Exhibition Support Agenda (IBJW212163) is a 2-credit elective course in the Language, Literature, and Culture of Javanese Program. By taking this course, students will gain an understanding of individual preparedness for teamwork and the creation of supporting agendas for exhibitions. The teaching method used is Student-Centered Learning (SCL) with extensive fieldwork practice and group discussions, fostering collaborative and cooperative learning. Learning involves direct work practice at institutions where students engage in Community Service Learning (CSL), facilitated by question and feedback sessions from supervisors and instructors. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is monitored throughout the implementation of activities and concludes with a final evaluation after the completion of the CSL activity.

Re-cataloging Manuscripts (IBJW212164) MBKM

The course Re-cataloging Manuscripts (IBJW212164) is a 3-credit elective course in the Javanese Literature Program. By taking this course, students will be able to re-catalog manuscripts effectively. The teaching method used is Student-Centered Learning (SCL) with extensive fieldwork practice and group discussions, fostering collaborative and cooperative learning. Learning involves direct work practice at institutions where students engage in Community Service Learning (CSL), facilitated by question and feedback sessions from supervisors and instructors. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is monitored throughout the implementation of activities and concludes with a final evaluation after the completion of the CSL activity.

Museum Collection Registration (IBJW212165) MBKM

The course Museum Collection Registration (IBJW212165) is a 3-credit elective course in the Javanese Literature Program. By taking this course, students will gain experience in registering museum collections effectively. The teaching method used is Student-Centered Learning (SCL) with extensive fieldwork practice and group discussions, fostering collaborative and cooperative learning. Learning involves direct work practice at institutions where students engage in Community Service Learning (CSL), facilitated by question and feedback sessions from supervisors and instructors. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is monitored throughout the implementation of activities and concludes with a final evaluation after the completion of the CSL activity.

Broadcasting (IBJW212166) MBKM

The course Broadcasting (IBJW212166) is a 3-credit elective course in the Javanese Literature Program. By taking this course, students will gain knowledge about the systematic dissemination of entertainment, information, educational programs, and other features for simultaneous reception by dispersed audiences using appropriate receiving devices. This course is designed to accommodate Community Service Learning (CSL) activities at television and radio stations. The teaching method used is Student-Centered Learning (SCL) with extensive fieldwork practice and group discussions, fostering collaborative and cooperative learning. Learning involves direct work practice at institutions where students engage in Community Service Learning (CSL), facilitated by question and feedback sessions from supervisors and instructors. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is monitored throughout the implementation of activities and concludes with a final evaluation after the completion of the CSL activity.

Journalism (IBJW212167) MBKM

The course Journalism (IBJW212167) is a 3-credit elective course in the Language, Literature, and Culture of Javanese Program. By taking this course, students will gain knowledge in the field of journalism. The teaching method used is Student-Centered Learning (SCL) with extensive fieldwork practice and group discussions, fostering collaborative and cooperative learning. Learning involves direct work practice at institutions where students engage in Community Service Learning (CSL), facilitated by question and feedback sessions from supervisors and instructors. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is monitored throughout the implementation of activities and concludes with a final evaluation after the completion of the CSL activity.

Copywriting (IBJW212168) MBKM

The course Copywriting (IBJW212168) is a 3-credit elective course in the Language, Literature, and Culture of Javanese Program. By taking this course, students will gain experience in developing copywriting skills through commodified writings that captivate readers. The teaching method used is Student-Centered Learning (SCL) with extensive fieldwork practice and group discussions, fostering collaborative and cooperative learning. Learning involves direct work practice at institutions where students engage in Community Service Learning (CSL), facilitated by question and feedback sessions from supervisors and instructors. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is monitored throughout the implementation of activities and concludes with a final evaluation after the completion of the CSL activity.

Puppetry Art (IBJW212169) MBKM

The course Puppetry Art (IBJW212169) is a 3-credit elective course in the Language, Literature, and Culture of Javanese Program. By taking this course, students will gain knowledge of wayang puppetry art, covering equipment, selecting and determining tools and materials, forms of puppetry, and puppetry techniques. The teaching method used is Student-Centered Learning (SCL) with extensive fieldwork practice and group discussions, fostering collaborative and cooperative learning. Learning involves direct work practice at institutions where students engage in Community Service Learning (CSL), facilitated by question and feedback sessions from supervisors and instructors. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is monitored throughout the implementation of activities and concludes with a final evaluation after the completion of the CSL activity.

Puppet Carving Art (IBJW212170) MBKM

The course Puppet Carving Art (IBJW212170) is a 3-credit elective course in the Language, Literature, and Culture of Javanese Program. By taking this course, students will gain knowledge of wayang puppet carving art, covering equipment, selecting and determining tools and materials, as well as puppet carving techniques. The teaching method used is Student-Centered Learning (SCL) with extensive fieldwork practice and group discussions, fostering collaborative and cooperative learning. Learning involves direct work practice at institutions where students engage in Community Service Learning (CSL), facilitated by question and feedback sessions from supervisors and instructors. The language of instruction is Indonesian. Evaluation is monitored throughout the implementation of activities and concludes with a final evaluation after the completion of the CSL activity.