College StudentSDGSStudentStudent's Activity Wednesday, 6 March 2024
On Saturday, March 2, 2024, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FIB UGM) held a ‘gebyar acara dies’, a lively celebration in commemoration of the Faculty's 78th anniversary. The event has been decorated with various performances from each study program, including the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program.
The Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program performed karawitan presented by students who are members of Gamelan Sastra Nusantara, also known as Gamasutra. Gamasutra, which consists of students from various years, has performed three pieces of music, namely 'Ladrang pangkur pelog barang', 'Lancaran kuwi apa kuwi', and 'Lancaran gugur gunung', as the last performance.
This musical performance is an expression of the identity of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program, which is consistent in preserving and reviving Javanese culture as part of the nation's cultural wealth. Furthermore, the gamelan performance from Gamasutra has contributed to enlivening the 78th anniversary of FIB UGM.
In a broader context, this performance also symbolizes the faculty's efforts in preserving the diverse cultures of the archipelago, as well as raising awareness of the importance of maintaining and appreciating the cultural heritage that characterizes the Indonesian nation.
College StudentNewsSDGSStudent's Work Wednesday, 6 March 2024
Developing interest in learning Javanese fiction writing among students is one of the good efforts made by the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program. This effort is reflected through the organization of structured courses. However, the study program makes other efforts to identify hidden talents, improve students' basic competencies, and ensure the sustainability of this interest. One of them is to bring students closer to writers and authors who are qualified in this field through writing training and mentoring activities.
The open offer was conveyed to students through a class communication group. The class community has been formed in the context of training activities in writing children's stories by Budi Sardjono (Gubug Nyawang Giri), a qualified author under the pseudonym Agnes Yani Sardjono. This activity was held on Saturday, February 24, 2024, starting at 07.30 WIB until completion at Gubug Nyawang Giri-Sleman, in collaboration with PASBUJA (Paguyuban Sastra dan Budaya Jawa) Kawi Merapi Sleman through its Sleman School of Literature (S3). This community is supported by the community service program organized by Wiwien W. Rahayu, a lecturer in the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program since 2022, on an ongoing basis.
The offer did not receive a variety of responses, except from six students who were interested in seizing the opportunity. These students are Dian Nitami, Maysa Putri, Siti Nurhayati, Pingky Putri, Ilman Nafia, and Nisrina Dyah.
"I want to learn to be a writer, develop ideas, and be interested in writing children's stories," was Nisrina's reason for accepting the offer. Another reason for Maysa's participation was ".to use it to raise my intention, enthusiasm, and motivation to write," she explained. The same thing was also conveyed by Ilma Nafia and Dian Nitami. The positive energy given by the author through the story of his experience is one of the attractions of the students' participation. It could be that this can trigger a passion for fiction writing among Javanese Literature Study Program students. So that in the future, the response to existing opportunities will be more optimal.
Not just a hobby, the choice to become a writer is one of the offers made to students. The Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program is committed to providing strategic programs to support the development of fiction writing skills. The fulfillment of this is done seriously and continuously through the development of partnerships with various parties. Through the implementation of the tri dharma of higher education, this goal is expected to be achieved.
SDGSStudentStudent's ActivityStudent's WorkUncategorized Monday, 4 March 2024
Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a handover of office (Sertijab) of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Student Association (HMJ Kamastawa) for the 2024/2025 period. The inauguration of the new management took place on Thursday, February 29, 2024, at 04.00–05.00 PM WIB in the Multimedia Room, Margono Building, fourth floor. The event was attended by Dr. Daru Winarti, M. Hum, as the Head of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program, Imam Prakoso, S.S., M.A., as the advisor of HMJ Kamastawa, representatives of the HMJ Kamastawa board for the 2023/2024 period, and the new HMJ Kamastawa board for the 2024/2025 period.
The event began at 04.00 PM WIB with the opening by Bagus Ulin Nuha, a student of the class of 2023, as the Master of Ceremony (MC). Followed by opening remarks from Dr. Daru Winarti, M.Hum., and Imam Prakoso, S.S., M.A.
Imam Prakoso, S.S., M.A., then read the minutes of the event, and continued with the reading of the oath followed by all HMJ Kamastawa administrators for the 2024/2025 period. The inauguration and symbolic pinning of the sign of office to the Chairperson of HMJ Kamastawa 2024/2025 were carried out by Dr. Daru Winarti, M.Hum. Adjit Royan Mustafa Ganda Sukma, Chairman of HMJ Kamastawa for the 2023/2024 period, removed the sign of office and pinned it to Gilang Cahyo Nusantara, Chairman of HMJ Kamastawa for the 2024/2025 period.
As a moment of farewell and welcome, Adjit Royan Mustafa Ganda Sukma said farewell on behalf of the 2023/2024 HMJ Kamastawa board. Meanwhile, Gilang Cahyo Nusantara gave a speech representing the management of HMJ Kamastawa 2024/2025. The next session was the handover of mementos from Dr. Daru Winarti, M.Hum., to representatives of each division of the HMJ Kamastawa management for the 2022/2023 period. The event was closed with a prayer led by Imam Prakoso, S.S., M.A., before being closed by the MC.
The handover of HMJ Kamastawa for the 2024/2025 period is an important momentum for the new management to continue and improve the quality of the organization. Hopefully, the new management can implement excellent programs in the future, especially the 13th Fall of the Mountain and the XXX Imbasadi Nusantara Cultural Gathering 2024. Thus, it is hoped that HMJ Kamastawa will be able to continue to play an active role, make a positive contribution, and maintain the good reputation of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program. Congratulations and success to the management of HMJ Kamastawa for the 2024/2025 period!
College StudentNewsSDGSStudentStudent's Activity Friday, 1 March 2024
On Sunday, (02/25/2024), the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Student Association (HMJ Kamastawa) for the 2024/2025 period held a first gathering with the aim of getting to know and interacting between board members and knowing the programs that have been planned. This event took place in room 302-303, Margono Building, third floor, at 02.00–04.00 pm WIB.
The first gathering is an important moment for new board members. A warm atmosphere emanated throughout the event, allowing each member to get to know each other, whether from their fellow divisions or from different divisions. In addition, this event provides an opportunity for each division to present program plans that will be carried out during management.
The event was hosted by two presenters, Septi Indah Lestari, a 2022 student, and Bagus Ulin Nuha, a 2023 student. The series of first gathering activities included introductions to each division and division members, presentations of various programs by each division, games or interactive games, and ended with a group photo session to capture the moment.
Through the First Gathering, it is hoped that a close relationship and intense interaction between the members of the HMJ Kamastawa 2024/2025 board can be established. Furthermore, by knowing the programs of each division, it is expected to increase understanding of the objectives and implementation strategies. With the establishment of good communication, it is expected that the students of HMJ Kamastawa management for the 2024/2025 period can work together effectively in planning, implementing, and evaluating the programs that have been launched. This approach is in line with the principles of sustainable development, especially in points 4 (improving the quality of education) and 17 (partnerships to achieve common goals).
College StudentNewsSDGSStudent Friday, 23 February 2024
The Sleman Regency Culture Office (Kundha Kabudayan) holds a Memetri Magazine Writing Training Workshop every year. This year, the workshop took place on Thursday, (02/15/2024) at Floating Resto Sleman. This workshop was attended by various groups, including Pasbuja (Javanese Literature and Art Society), FGSM (Sleman Teachers Forum), and five students of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program class of 2023. They are Rafif Wicaksono, M. Rafi Nur Fauzy, Audrey Gizella Islamey, Rela Sazkia, and Zidna Nabila.
This year's "Memetri" Magazine Writing Training Workshop was devoted to writing Javanese-language feature works. The goal was to train the participants to write features, increase creativity, and preserve the Javanese language. There were various materials presented by the speakers, such as formulas for writing features, methods of writing features, and how to choose references for features to be written. Wiwien Widyawati Rahayu, lecturer of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program, was also a resource person in this workshop. She conveyed the method for finding feature sources.
Audrey Gizella expressed her opinion on the workshop. "Alhamdulillah, this workshop was very fun, not boring, and I gained new knowledge to write features." Rafif Wicaksono added, "This activity is very useful for us, especially since our study program is also related to literature. Therefore, we can know the intricacies of good and correct feature writing," he said.
The workshop ended with a practice of writing a feature on the topic of Floating Resto Sleman. Five writers with the best work will have the opportunity to become journalists for the magazine "Memetri" by the Sleman Regency Cultural Office. With this, it is hoped that there will be many people who like to write in Javanese, especially features, for "Memetri" magazine.
The organization of the "Memetri" Magazine Writing Training Workshop is a concrete effort to train the younger generation to be able to write features as well as participate in the preservation of Javanese culture. Educational efforts and cooperation from various parties in preserving culture are in accordance with the goals of sustainable development, namely improving the quality of education (point 4) and partnerships to achieve goals (point 17)
Author: Zidna Nabila
Editor : Haryo Untoro
On Sunday (02/11/2024), Rudy Wiratama, S.I.P., M.A., a lecturer from the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), was a guest speaker in the Culture Webinar. The webinar is one of a series of events commemorating the 31st anniversary of the Association of Regional Language and Literature Students throughout Indonesia (Imbasadi). The event was held at 14.00 WITA (13.00 WIB) with the theme "Synergy of Nusantara Performing Arts in the Era of Globalization." The theme raised a reality about the role, function, and position of the archipelago's performing arts in the era of free and open globalization.
Together with Prof. Dr. Drs. I Wayan Sugita, M.Si., a professor from the State Hindu University, I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar, both presented informative and educational material about the Nusantara performing arts to the webinar participants.
Rudy Wiratama, S.I.P., M.A., explained his material entitled "Art, Tradition, and Globalization." In his presentation, he highlighted how globalization can affect a tradition
One of the interesting aspects of his presentation was the changes in Kecak dance over time. "Kecak dance initially did not contain a particular story. Later, Walter Spies, a Western artist, worked with Balinese artists and inserted the Ramayana epic into the Kecak Dance performance. At this point, Kecak Dance, which was originally part of the communal culture of the community, was transformed into an attraction for tourist consumption," he explained.
The Cultural Webinar organized by Imbasadi is aimed at inviting the younger generation of Indonesia to understand the potential of the archipelago's arts and culture in the midst of globalization. By preserving and enlivening the archipelago's culture, the community can contribute to developing knowledge and abilities and participate in protecting the nation's cultural heritage. This effort is in line with the sustainable development goals, especially point 4, which highlights the provision of quality education.
College StudentNewsSDGSStudentStudent's Activity Friday, 16 February 2024
On Monday, (02/12/2024), the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program received a visit from students of Reitsumeikan University, Japan. The event took place in Room 405 (gamelan room), Margono Building, 4th floor, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). The participants of this visit were 20 students, one supervisor, and 14 friends from the Buddy Club Student Activity Unit.
(Introduction of Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program and HMJ Kamastawa)
During the visit, seven student representatives from the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program gave a presentation about the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program and the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Student Family Organization (HMJ Kamastawa). Furthermore, student representatives introduced Karawitan musical instruments as part of Javanese culture. The introduction was carried out by explaining the musical instruments, demonstrating playing the instruments, and presenting a traditional Javanese song entitled "Suwe Ora Jamu." After the presentation, Reitsumeikan University students were allowed to try playing various gamelan musical instruments available, guided by student representatives.
(Demonstration of gamelan musical instruments)
(Introduction of Javanese gamelan instruments to Reitsumeikan University students)
The visit was then closed with a group photo and the handover of souvenirs to Reitsumeikan University.
(Handover of souvenirs)
With this visit, Reitsumeikan University students had the opportunity to better understand Indonesian culture, especially Javanese culture. This activity can be an effort to introduce the beauty of the archipelago's culture to the international community. Efforts to introduce and explore the traditions and culture of the archipelago are in line with the fourth point in the sustainable development goals, namely the provision of quality education.
On Friday (02/02/2024), the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program received a visit from students and teachers of State Junior High School (SMPN) 1 Munjungan, Trenggalek, East Java. This activity took place in the Auditorium Room, Soegondo Building, 7th floor, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The participants of this visit were 130 students and 10 teachers.
The Head of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program, Dr. Daru Winarti, M.A., gave a speech at the beginning of the event. Then it was followed by remarks from Raditya Bagus G.P., a teacher representative from SMPN 1 Munjungan. In his speech, Raditya Bagus G.P. revealed that the purpose of this visit was to motivate students of SMPN 1 Munjungan to keep studying hard and be serious about pursuing their dreams.
(Dr. Daru Winarti, M.Hum., gave a speech.)
(Raditya Bagus G. P. gave a speech.)
At the core event, Nila Okta Pawestri, an educator and alumnus of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program class of 2019, became the narrator of the activity. Rudy Wiratama, S.I.P., M.A., is the lecturer of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program, as the main speaker. The lecturer from the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program introduced the faculties at Universitas Gadjah Mada. One of them is the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program.
One of the interesting things from his presentation was when Rudy Wiratama, S.I.P., M.A., discussed the misconceptions of public perception regarding the study program. "So what then are the prospects for students of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program? Will they be directed to become shamans in the future? Of course not. Here, we study Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture in a scientific corridor. There will be many things that can be studied from the perspective of Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture because it involves various things, from the perspective of the way of life of the Javanese people, "he explained.
(Rudy Wiratama, S.I.P., M.A., introduces Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, and Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program.)
After the audience ended, the announcer opened a discussion session that took place between the speaker and students of SMPN 1 Munjungan. The variety of questions asked showed the enthusiasm and curiosity of the students about the topic. Some of the questions asked included the requirements to become a UGM student, learning motivation, and phenomena that occur in Javanese society. The next series of events was the handover of mementos from SMPN 1 Munjungan to the speakers, which closed with a group photo session as a memento.
This visit is not only a learning moment for SMPN 1 Munjungan students but also in line with the mission of providing quality education for the community, namely in the fourth point of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
College StudentImbasadiNewsSDGS Monday, 29 January 2024
Bima Muslih Wicaksono, a student of class 2022, was successfully elected as the Chairperson of the Committee for the Archipelago Cultural Meeting (TBN) of the Association of Regional Language and Literature Students throughout Indonesia (Imbasadi). This election was carried out in the TBN preparation meeting, which was held online on Saturday, (27/01/2024).
The TBN preparation meeting was not only attended by Imbasadi student members but also involved representatives from the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Student Association (HMJ Kamastawa), as well as several study program alumnus who are also alumnus of Imbasadi. Discussions during the meeting not only included the election of the committee chairman but also discussed plans for the future implementation of TBN XXX.
Temu Budaya Nusantara is Imbasadi's annual agenda, which is usually held in November or December. The event includes various activities, such as the National Deliberation, demission, and re-organization of Imbasadi administrators. In addition, there are also supporting activities, including the National Cultural Performance and Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI).
The agreement of the National Conference (Munas) of Imbasadi's XXIXth Nusantara Cultural Gathering at the State Hindu University I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa, Bangli campus (08/11/2023), stipulated that the UGM Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Study Program will host the TBN-XXX in 2024. The appointment of UGM as the host of TBN-XXX shows UGM's active involvement in studying, introducing, and preserving Indonesian regional culture to a wide audience. This step is in line with the fourth mission of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is to improve the quality of education for the people of Indonesia.
With the election of Bima Muslih Wicaksono as Chairman of the Committee, it is expected that the TBN-XXX Imbasadi activities can be held successfully and make a positive contribution to preserving and developing Indonesian culture. Support and prayers from various parties are expected to contribute to the success of this prestigious event, which will be held in the near future.
College StudentGeguritanStudent's Work Monday, 22 January 2024
Cahya nyorot têrang
Hamadhangi pagêlaran
Gangsa, blencong twin wayang
Tansah tinata kanthi rerenggan
Ana wayang bundêr sêr
Raga jiwa katon sêgêr
Netra gêdhe kadya tempeh
Lumrahing ambêg sareh
Bagong ngarannya
Uga sinêbut Mangundiwangsa
Punakawan Jawa Wetan
Tansah guyu lan bêgejekan
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