The 11th Gugur Gunung Competition as a commemoration of the 66th anniversary of the Javanese Literature Study Program has been successfully carried out successfully. The entire organizers of the 11th Gugur Gunung would like to thank the participants who have registered for the competition, including: Infographic Javanese Culture, Javanese Script Calligraphy, and Javanese Storytelling. The judges has succeeded in narrowing down the winners in these categories by taking 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place.
The following are the winners of the 11th Gugur Gunung competition:
Javanese Culture Infographic Competition
1st place: Nisriina Nazhiifah
2nd place: Muhammad Naufal Rabbani
3rd place: Hafanza Misni
Or click on the following link:
Javanese Script Calligraphy Competition
1st place: Aulia Imroatatifa
2nd place: Restu Dian Putri Adhani
3rd place: Bening Christalica Damai Nugraha
Or click on the following link:
Javanese Storytelling Competition
1st winner: M. Siswoyo
2nd winner: Retno Nawangsih
3rd place: Bening Christalica Damai Nugraha
Or click on the following link:
We congratulate the winners of the competition. See you at Gugur Gunung 12!
Gugur Gunung Committee 11