Overview of the KAMASUTRA

The Javanese Literature Student Association which was originally named Keluarga Mahasiswa Sastra Daerah (KMSD) then changed to KMSN (Keluarga Mahasiswa Sastra Nusantara), changed again to KAMASUTRA (Keluarga Mahasiswa Sastra Nusantara) inaugurated on March 3, 2005. The name change was influenced by the change in the name of the department which was originally Javanese Literature to Nusantara Literature. This student association functions as a forum for appreciation and channeling the aspirations of Nusantara Literature students in organizing and expressing in the academic and non-academic, social and cultural fields, especially the local culture of the archipelago.

The management of KAMASUTRA changes every year, with a management structure consisting of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and 6 other fields, namely Public Relations, PSDM, Medinfo, Sosmas, Entrepreneurship and Logistics, and Mikat. Mikat itself consists of Sanorpala (sports field), Litbang (Research and Development field), Ratnatraya (Dance field), Gamasutra (Karawitan field), and Macapatan (Macapat field).