Today, the quality of education in Indonesia is increasing. It should be realized that many young people have high quality and potential. This has an impact on the number of new student admission quotas at each tertiary institution, one of which is Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Each study program in the Faculty of Cultural Sciences has the opportunity to increase the number of students who will be accepted in 2022. Of course, this opportunity is also felt by the Javanese Literature Study Program which is part of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences.
At the end of the new student re-registration period, the number of students who used to be only around 35, has now jumped to 51 people. The number that jumped to almost 100% was surprising because this number was the first time the Javanese Literature Study Program had new students with a number exceeding 35. This news was certainly surprising for the lecturers who teach in the Javanese Literature Study Program. Many did not expect that the Javanese Literature Study Program was in great demand by many new students. The condition of the increasing number of new students also requires teaching lecturers to make adjustments in classroom learning, to create a conducive learning atmosphere.
The increase in the number of new students is a source of pride academic to the Javanese Literature academic community. The diversity of individual potentials of each student provides a new color for the Javanese Literature Study Program, especially for the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. It is proven by the presence of students with such potential masters of ceremonies, dalang, sinden, pengrawit, dancers, and others. This indirectly means that the quality of human resources in the Javanese Literature Study Program is getting better and increasing from year to year.