Yogyakarta - On Friday (09/10/2023), two students from the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Program, namely Rafael Raga B. P. and Affan Akbar, performed the Macapat song sekar Dhandhanggula in the Selapanan Talk event organized by Pusat Kajian Jawa (the Center for Javanese Studies) or Pusaka Jawa UGM.
The Sekar Dhandhanggula sung by Rafael Raga B.P. is the 13th stanza from Serat Jampi Susah written by R. Pujaarja in 1918. The performance was accompanied by the gender musical instrument played by Affan Akbar, using the Slendro Pathet Sanga tuning. Here is an excerpt from Sekar Dhandhanggula in Serat Jampi Susah stanza 13:
Rèhning kabèh ihtiyaring jalmi
Ora kêna lamun dèn têtêpna
Kang têtêp amung kodraté
Pêrlu apa dèn ulur
Iku kêna kinarya mirit
Marang waris kang waras
Aja mèlu-mèlu
Anglalu luru sangsara
Saranané mung narima jroning ati
Ing mêngko arêp apa
After the performance, Rafael Raga B.P. explained the meaning contained in the song. He stated, "In this song, R. Pujaarja expresses his view that regardless of the results and predetermined fate, effort remains important in one's self-development and providing wisdom to others. The perspective on destiny is crucial because the weight of problems and difficulties in life can be overcome with a narima (Receiving) attitude."
Furthermore, he added, "R. Pujaarja then emphasizes a question, 'ing mêngko arêp apa?' (what will you do in the future?), which invites us to reflect and introspect while moving forward towards the future. With such an attitude, it is hoped that the Javanese community can nurture their mental health to achieve a good ultimate goal, which is khusnul khotimah (a good end of life), bali marang sangkan paaraning dumaid (returning to the Creator.)"
The Selapanan Talk event is a routine activity held every 35 days. On this occasion, the theme discussed was "Javanese-Style Mental Health," and it invited two main speakers, Rudy Wiratama, S.I.P., M.A., a lecturer from the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture Program at UGM, and Salma Dias Saraswati, CEO and Co-Founder of Tenang. This event serves as an important platform for discussing and understanding Javanese values in giving meaning to the soul and its application to mental health issues, especially among today's younger generation.